11.5(rough draft)

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The night at bryce's party

"Yes I'll drag wherever I go tonight I giggled". And I stuck to my promise. I drank with other people, I made conversations with people I never would, I beat a bunch of people at a game they were playing on the t.v.

But at some point I ended up in a bedroom by myself stumbling and swaying. I sat down on the bed to catch my footing, I sat closing my eyes for just a second "hey are you okay?" I heard someone laugh

I opened my eyes to see Bryce looking down at me "yeah" I slurred smiling "what are you doing?" I looked at him through hooded eyes "I was looking for you actually" he smirked sitting beside me

"Me? Why me?" I asked resting my head on his shoulder closing my eyes "because Zach's been hogging you all night" he chuckled "we didn't get to hang out like you said we would"

I sat up straight "you're right, you said we should hang out" I said looking down "I'm sorry let's hang out now" I offered "right now?" He asked "yeah" I flopped down on my back closing my eyes, Bryce talked some more but I couldn't make out what he was saying so I pretended to listen

I ended up falling asleep and woke up to Zach yelling at Bryce, my eyes widened as I tried to get up quickly "what's happening!?" I asked holding onto zach for support "we're leaving!" Zach said glaring at Bryce "awe come on buddy nothing happened" I heard Bryce say as we exited the room

Zach guided me out the house to his car. we sat there in silence as he leaned his head in his arms breathing hard. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly

"I said don't run off without me" he stated "oh" I looked down fidgeting with my fingers "I'm sorry" I apologised

"Juli how am I supposed to make sure you're okay if I don't even know where you were" he said still not looking at me

"It's okay zach" I rubbed his shoulder "I wasn't alone, I was with Bryce" I tried comforting him "I know" his voice strained

"Let's just go" he buckled up and started driving



Posted on December 17, 2023

BTW it's implied Bryce did something but he didn't. Just wanted to Clear that up🫡

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