3.5 (rough draft)

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"That stupid fucking list ruined everything"

I walked into school with Hannah and Jeff talking about cheer and classes

"Ugh I hate history" I groaned as Hannah laughed "you hate every subject" "except English" I smiled "you were just complaining about English the other day" Jeff teased as we stopped at Hannah's locker

"I hate thinking and reading, I can't help it" I smiled looking up at Jeff as he leaned down and kissed me "I gotta get to class, see you two beautiful girls later" he waved walking away

I sighed watching him leave "he's so dreamy" I blushed "I wish I had what you two did" Hannah chuckled looking back into her locker "you can, once you find the right one you'll be the happiest" I smiled

"Yeah if I find the one" she locked her locker looking at me "you will, I promise" I linked arms with her as we walked to class

Once we walked into class I sat by clay as Hannah sat on a different table "ohh 'Angie Remero, best lips!' You know it baby" I heard a Angie behind me

I snorted "did she get a text saying that?" I asked turning around "no, but hey Juli! You're on here too!" I got up around confused and walked up to her

"on where?" I asked peeking at the paper she was holding but when I saw it I snatched out of her hands.

Best lips Worst lips
Angie Remero Jaime Robinson
Best tits Worst tits
Best ass Worst ass
Hannah Baker Jessica Davis
Best face Butter face
Delia Washington SKYE MILLER
Best legs Worst legs
Ashley Jones Sadie Turner
Best bj Worst bj
Katie Carter Maria Grace

And I saw it....

My name under 'best tits', what the fuck. I looked down the list and saw Hannah's name under 'best ass' and Jessica's name under 'worst ass', Oh shit, I looked up and saw Hannah looking at me confused.

'Shit this is gonna cause something' I thought, so I took a picture and crumpled it up and threw it away. I went back to my desk and saw clay looking at me

'What is it?" Clay leaned over trying to look at my picture "nothing!" I faced my phone down "uhh ok?" He looked weirdly at me but went back to staring ahead.

"Good morning, everybody" I heard Mrs. Bradley come in "I trust you all did the reading last night" I looked down 'I knew I forgot something' "so today we are going to jump into" I looked over too clay

"did you do the reading?" I whispered "yeah" he whispered "did you?" But before I could answer a girl came up to clay's desk and passed him the note. My eyes widened and quickly snatched it out of his hands

"What the hell!?" He looked up confused "You can't read it" I said and folded it up and slid it to where he couldn't get it, unbeknownst to me though Sheri got a hold of it, "why?" He asked leaning in "its rude and gross" I answered.

"People learn by observing the behaviour of those around them" I tried listening to the teachers talk "can anybody give me an example of this?" She walked around

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