7(rough draft)

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I walked into school absolutely exhausted having had practically no sleep last night. As I looked up fully opening my eyes I saw a girl trying to open Hannah's locker

I was about to walk up to her and ask her what the fuck she was doing but clay beat me to it. "Hey!" I stood by watching as clay ran up to Hannah's locker and slammed his hand on it

"Hey! What the hell?" He practically yelled "oh my god! I'm sorry!" The girl apologized jumping "what are you doing!?" She stood back a bit "I'm sorry" she cowered a bit

"What the hell?" Clay got close obviously mad "I can't get it opened" she said quickly "well why do you want to?" He asked "because it's my locker" I snorted That's embarrassing.

"I'm new, but I can't get the combination to work" she explained as clay looked around probably as embarrassed as I was watching the whole thing.

"Sorry, I'm sorry uh...this locker used to belong to a friend of mine" he said looking around before taking the locker combination and unlocking it for the girl

"Umm thank you?" She said as he walked away. I decided to meet clay at his locker and stood by it blocked by his locker door "that's kinda embarrassing" I giggled as he stood there

He turned around and looked down the hall. It was as if he didn't see anything. I stood there confused "clay?" I asked as he stood there

The new girl walked up and thanked him for opening her locker "do what?" I scrunched my face up"what the fuck" I mumbled

"Clay?" I said again "what did you say?" He asked as the girl repeated herself "I said thanks for helping me" she smiled

"That was really nice" I watched her from his locker as he looked at me just as confused as I was but for different reasons

"Oh sure" he looked back at the girl as she gave me a quick glance "which way is the science wing?" She asked as he stared

I rolled my eyes and stood beside her "sorry about him it's just out those doors and take a left" I smiled as she thanked me and walked away

"Clay what is up with you today?" I asked as he followed someone with his eyes as if someone was walking by

"Clay?" I waved a hand in front of his face but he ignored me and walked down the hall until he peeked through a class

I peeked in but just saw people going in and out of the class and he stared walking down the hall again

God what is up with him? He is acting like a zombie.

I followed him down the hall curious on what would happen next. He stopped and took his headphones off as Tony approached.

"You don't look so good" Tony stated as clay glanced at both of us "I think I'm listening to my tape" he said. I looked to him

Why would he act this way on his tape it's the sweetest one there?

"Let me know if you need to talk, any time" Tony said as clay stood there shocked "what!?" He asked "I said let me know if you need to talk anytime" Tony repeated himself

"Yeah thanks" clay said before walking off further down the hall "is he okay?" Tony asked standing beside me I shook my head "nope so far he's acting like a zombie" I frowned as we watched him talk to myself

"I might have to keep and eye on him" Tony sighed "it's ok, I'll keep an eye on him and I'll text if I really need your help" I said smiling

"Are you sure because you don't look to well either" I rolled my eyes "I'm fine I just don't look it" "whys that?" "Because I hardly had any sleep last night" I sighed he grunted in response

13 Reasons Why: Season 1: A Deeper Meaning Where stories live. Discover now