11(rough draft)

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I woke up hungover on my bed tangled in my blankets, I laid there for a couple of minutes hoping the headache would go down but I quickly shot up running to the bathroom as bile welled up in my mouth

I bent down opening the toilet with a stinging pain my knees. After a couple of minutes I was just dry heaving when my brother stood at the door "what happened last night?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I said holding my head in my hand "you look like shit, your hairs all messy, and you have dried mascara all over your face" he said concerned

"Nothing, just a rough night" I shook my head "if you say so, by the way theres water and an ibuprofen on the table" he said before walking away

"Okay" I said before throwing up some more.

I walked down stairs with my head throbbing and my knees bleeding again, I sat down at the table and gulped down some water and swallowed the pill

As I slowly remembered everything that happened last night I got up and looked for my phone in my room but couldn't find it so I quickly went to my brother and asked him to call it for me

But I couldn't hear anything "did you seriously lose your phone" he scoffed "I'm sorry" I said before flopping on the couch "guess you're gonna have to go to school without a phone" he shook his head

"Guess so" I replied before walking up to my room to change.

I walked into school and saw Marcus Courtney and Tyler talking. I walked past them as fast as I could before Courtney caught me "Juli!" I sighed before turning around

"What Courtney?" I looked at her annoyed "did you get subpoenas too?" I looked confused "no?" I said before walking away.

What the fuck. Why would I get a subpoena?

As I walked I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I flinched quickly turning around to meet Bryce "hey woah are you okay?" He smiled

I just stared blankly "what do you want?" I asked him "hey, what happened yesterday...I don't know what happened" he scratched his head "Bryce, leave me the fuck alone, please" I walked away

The school day went on so long, it felt like an eternity listening to teachers talk and walking by a bunch of nosy students staring at me every time I stepped out into the hallway.


The day finally had ended and I made my way home, I walked in and saw my brother at the table "all day? Good for you" he mumbled "yup" I nodded

"Hey when I kicked you out did you go to the rich neighbourhood?" I looked to him confused "what do you mean" I asked walking over

"I went on the find my phone thing and your phones over there" he looked up, I scoffed "of course" I shook my head "what did you do last night?" He stood up looking serious

I shook my head "I got super drunk and high, I was visiting Bryce and left my phone there" "well let's go get it" he said walking towards the door

"No" I grabbed his arm "I'll go get it later just- let's just watch a movie or something" I shook my head "fine but we're getting you your phone" he said sternly before walking to the living room.


"It's late come on" my brother threw a couch pillow on my head "for what?" I asked distracted by the tv show I had put on

"To get your phone, come on" he turned the tv off "seriously?" I groaned "do you want your phone or not?" He asked annoyed "yeah" I nodded my head getting up

We walked into the car and he drove off. It wasn't far but it wasn't close either. As we approached I felt uneasy coming back after the way I was before.

Eli parked the car and was about to get out "woah! What are you doing?" I pulled him back in the car "I'm going to get your phone" he looked confused "I will" I said letting go "I'll go get it"

He just sighed and nodded "whatever, don't take long" he said pulling out his phone, I got out and walked to the front door and knocked a couple of times before he opened it

"Juli" he looked surprised to see me "hey" I said not meeting his eyes "what are you doing here?" He asked looking to his side and back to me "uh I left my phone in your car so... I kinda need it back?" I said watching his reaction

"Oh uh yeah sure give me a moment" he steeped back looking into his living room "what are you looking at?" I said tried peeking past him but he blocked me

"you wanted your phone?" He asked slightly pushing me out the door "well, yeah" I said nodding "let's go then" he led me to the garage

"Here" he passed my phone after digging through the backseat "thanks" I said walking back to the car but before I could get far he tugged me back

"Hey, you know I didn't... do anything to Jess right?" he asked "right" I smiled "okay good, because I wouldn't have done that" he chuckled leading me out to my brothers car

"Or maybe I don't" I turned to look at him "what?" He looked confused "you raped Jessica like you did to Hannah" I stared directly into his eyes

"Bryce, you're fucking rapist" I said walking closer as he stood there surprised "I can't believe I fucking believed you over Hannah, I thought you were a good person to the point I didn't believe Hannah when she came crying to me about you raping her" I scoffed

"You were one of my closest friends Bryce" I looked down remembering the times he's helped me "and you ruined girls because you wanted too" I looked back up at him with tears in my eyes

"Fuck you, you're an awful human being and I hope you never find happiness" I glared at him before walking back to my brothers car.

"What took so long?" My brother asked starting up the car "nothing" I shook my head "hey, are you okay?" He asked glancing at me

"No" I said causing my voice to break "I lost a close friend" I whispered "what? What did he do?" Eli asked hurriedly "he...he did something unforgivable"

As the car ride continued on in silence I silently cried wiping my cheeks and eyes raw as I felt my phone buzzing and vibrating

I pulled out my phone and saw there were texts and missed calls all from Bryce, I sighed opening up his text messages and saw a bunch of 'sorry's and 'I didn't's

I looked down at the most recent one and froze



Look I don't know what Zach said about the Halloween party but nothing happened. I swear.


What the fuck happened at the Halloween party?




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