8.5(rough draft)

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I walked into the gym with Hannah and Jeff by my side, as we walked in we saw all the university's booths set up for us to look at

My eyes widened from the amount of colleges and universities were set up, I smiled and turned to Hannah and Jeff

"So you guys have any ideas or are we just gonna walk around?" I asked them both as they stared at the booths behind me

"I actually wanted to check out (booth name)" Jeff smiled "okay perfect! Me and Hannah will walk around because I don't have an idea of what I want to do" I smiled but turned to Hannah

"Unless you already have an idea" I asked quickly "no it's okay, we can walk around" she nodded "okay see Jules" Jeff kissed my temple before walking off

"Let's go" I grabbed Hannah's hand and walked but she shrugged my hand off and continued walking. Oh. I looked down, maybe she's not comfortable doing that.

We walked side by side and looked around I heard Courtney and Marcus talking about their grades and shit, I scoffed as Hannah smiled

We walked some more and saw Alex checking out a brochure for some school, I glanced around and saw Zach and Justin looking at brochure talking about the tits on some cheerleader

"Fuck sakes" I shook my head as Hannah looked disgusted, I continued walking beside Hannah when she stopped at a booth

I looked down and saw their brochures, doesn't seem like my type of school. I glanced around some more and saw Jessica with her dad handing out brochures

I smiled and waved as I walked by, I noticed Hannah walking to a bunch of books on a rack, I decided to walk around some more

None of them caught my attention, I sighed stopping in the middle of the path. I was about to pull out my phone when someone put their hands above my eyes

"Guess who" I heard a familiar voice "my amazing boyfriend?" I giggled already knowing the answer "how'd you know?" He took his hands off my eyes and walked in front of me

"It'd be a little concerning if I didn't, don't you think" I smiled looking up at him as I interlocked my fingers with him

"Yeah, I guess so" he nodded "so, did you find anything interesting or unique?" He asked looking at me

"Unfortunately no" I shook my head "do you have na ideas of what you want to do?" He questioned "I don't know, I kind of want to write books or make music" i hummed

"But they're both hard paths to go down, you know?" I looked to him "yeah, but I know you'll make it work" he smiled pecking my cheek

"I hope I do" I nodded "hey" I looked over to my right to see Hannah walked up "hey girl, you find anything?" I asked not noticing anything in her hands

"I don't know, I spoke to this librarian and he said to come over" she shrugged "well that's good!" I gently punched her arm

"I guess, but i was planning on going to it to check it out" she nodded smiling "you should! Maybe you'll have fun" I smiled

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