Shankar's beginnings

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Shankar had a routine and a very disciplined life style. He was up by 5am to get to badminton practice at the clubhouse, followed by swimming. Then he would get back home, shower, eat breakfast and head off to school. He would return home by 4:30, only to freshen up, have a snack and off to chess followed by piano class. He would start with studies at 6:30 which would continue until 10pm with a short break in between for dinner. He would get reading time from 10-10:30, which was his favourite time. He usually avoided reading and used that time to write notes to his grandparents, who lived in Madras.

Shankar's father Krishnamoorthy wasn't in good terms with his parents. However, he did not let that affect Shankar's relationship with them. Saroja was Krishnamoorthy's second wife and Shankar's step mother. Shankar had a step brother Rajesh as well. Shankar's mother had died a few days after he was born. Saroja and Krishnamoorthy were lovers in college but due to family pressure and Parvathy being Krishnamoorthy's moraponnu (Athai's daughter) he succumbed to family pressure and married her. There was never any love and as soon as she died, Krishnamoorthy married Saroja against his parents wishes. Shankar was just a responsibility for Saroja. Both parents pampered Rajesh and spoilt him. Although Shankar tried really hard, he was not able to build bond with Rajesh. He loved him because he was his brother. Life was like a military school for Rajesh, except during his one month summer vacation.

While Krishnamoorthy, Saroja and Rajesh took trips, they let Shankar spend a month with his grandparents, which Shankar loved. They loved him to death. The lifestyle with his grandparents was very different. He got to play with the neighborhood kids. He played cricket, seven stone, gilli danda, he jumped in the local lake and swam with the other boys, he jumped on puddles and enjoyed the rains. Plus he had his best friend there, Mukundan. Although, Shankar lived a very posh lifestyle in Calcutta, he did not have a friend. He could be himself with Mukundan. They somehow understood each other. Mukundan's father worked in an advertising company and mother was a housewife, although, she did tailoring. She stitched blouses, school uniforms etc and made her own pocket money. Mukundan's little sister Radhika was very fond of Shankar and ran behind him calling him anna. The kind of love he received from this family was unconditional. Shankar's grandparents loved having him over and they wanted to raise him themselves but Krishnamoorthy wouldn't agree.

Shankar got an hour every weekend to talk to his grandparents. It was the same time every weekend. Mukundan and Radhika never missed to be there as well. That was the only time Shankar laughed his heart out. Although Saroja did not like their influence in his life, she did not take that away from him and for that, Shankar was grateful. So every night Shankar wrote notes to his grandparents and to Mukundan and had driver Raju Bhaiyya, mail it to them. Raju Bhaiya and his wife Bulbul were fond of Shankar and noticed how he was treated. Their heart went out to him but since they were hired by Saroja, they could not say much.

Every night Shankar prayed to God to help him grow up fast so he could leave this house and move to Madras permanently and take care of his grandparents.

Short chapter but a glimpse into Shankar's life.
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Brinda Subramanian

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