❦Problem Solved

Start from the beginning

I took a deep inhale as I didn't know what else to say. It wasn't that hard now that I finished but I most definitely need to smoke.

"So that's why you don't do relationships? Because you think it will be like your parents?" The girl next to me spoke in a soft voice with soft but questioning eyes.

I was glad to not have sense any type of judgment from her as I always thought explaining my reasoning behind my whole ordeal to people would come off as me being too sensitive or it being a not valid reason. Even though I know it's valid and it don't make me sensitive. Don't mean I want other people to see it in that way.

"Yeah In a way, and I know that all relationships don't last forever but I just feel that I'm a lover due to how I experienced my parents love towards each other so if it don't work out I'll feel like.. I don't even know," I knew what I wanted to say but I just ain't know how to say it and i lowkey ain't want to say more as I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with my vulnerability.

Nadalia nodded as she took in my words and I can see how she was processing it in order to respond herself.

"I understand now Dakota, and I'm sorry you had to go through that and still are affected in a way over it. I'm glad you told me this as it also helped my overthinking," she chuckled a bit which made my lip twitch into a small smile.

Before she could continue with what else she would've said. I opened mg mouth quick to reply.

"It's cool you know, I'm cool because since I'm self aware of what it is and why. I can start to work on it."

She acknowledged my words with a focused nod which gave me the go to keep going.

"Dolly I do like you, I've said that before and I'm not bullshitting you. Shit I even subconsciously drew—" I paused in my words with a quickness as I really almost just gave myself up like that, "I just don't want to try and get involved in something with you right now because I don't want to fuck it up myself you know? Also you never been in a relationship and you're young so I don't want that experience to be short for you if you deal with me cause like I said. If I'm to take someone serious I'm looking at something long term."

I watched as Nadalia's smile couldn't be held back anymore as she quickly turned away from me and began to shift in her position to move further from me.

I smirked at the action as I always thought her shyness to me was cute. I liked making her flustered.

Before I knew it, my hand was reaching out to her thigh to slightly rub it. Bringing her attention back to me.

"You hear me?"

She nodded slowly as she allowed her eyes to roam my face and for mine to roam hers. A few beats later she was clearing her throat and taking a sip of her water.

"Um so where are we going or doing next?" She asked with a nervous smile. I laughed lowly as I shook my head slightly before answering her question.



After me and Dakota's talk, I felt a thousand times better. Even though I deeply felt saddened by her story due to knowing my parents are still what hers used to be, I was relieved to know it didn't have anything to do with me or her just being a player or something. I was even more glad that she reassured her crush for me, I feel like it was enough to make my brain lay at rest.

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