❦That was unexpected

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

September 24th

Even though we got home from the party later than I planned to, I still got up at an early time. We came in at 2:38 and since it was so late Tiana stayed the night. Now it's 10:14 and Tiana still sleep while I had already showered and ate breakfast two hours ago.

I felt real productive today and so I spent my time on working, I was almost finished with the second canvas and I had to get it done and shipped out by next week Wednesday and the third and final one has to be out two weeks from now which was cool I'd be done before than I work real quick.

An hour had passed and I was finally done with it so I took a picture of it and sent it to the buyer to confirm everything was to her satisfaction, once she told me she loved it and couldn't wait to receive it I put a layer of modge podge over it and set it in my spare room where I do all my art shit in to dry.

I went back to my room to see Tiana was still sleep and went to my dresser to grab the remote and turned on the tv to watch YouTube. As I was on my second video I felt a movement on the bed so I looked over my shoulder to see Tiana waking up. After she stretched she crawled towards the end of the bed where I'm at before leaned over to peck my neck before she got up and went to the bathroom.

I was in the middle of an assignment when I heard the shower water stop and tiana came out wrapped in a towel and going to the closet to grab a pair of chill clothes from a clear 2 drawer I had put in there for her to put some of her extra clothes in for times she spends the night or something. She closed the closet door so she could change and when she came out. I laughed at my childish thought.

She been out the closet

I guess she had heard me because she was quick to clock my shit, "what's so funny?" she questioned as she came onto the bed pushing my laptop out of my lap so she could lay her legs over it.

"Get yo ashy ass limbs up off me," I pushed them off and replaced it back with my laptop.

"I'm bored let's do something," she said as she went to pick up her phone

"Nigga you see I'm doing something," she looked at me blankly before getting up to go to the living room, the sound of the tv following after.

Now, I'm not being an asshole cause Tiana knows when I'm busy and needs my space by my actions or body language so that's why she left.

About thirty-five minutes later I was finished with my task. I closed my laptop and placed it on my nightstand as I got up and made my way to the living room seeing Tiana lying down watching Love Island Uk. I plopped down next to her catching her attention.

"You so obsessed with this shit you wanna be on there or something," I teased.

"Girl boo you don't know good tv, and I'd be on too hot to handle. You know, for obvious reasons," she stated while framing her face.

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