❦Why are you laughing

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"I forgot to reply back to your message from earlier, but for one obviously you wouldn't have known i was attending here cause we barely spoke to each other and secondly why would I lie about that" she said as she propped her elbow on the desk turning her body slightly towards me and settling her facial expression with a simple brow raise as she waited for what I would say next.

I felt so damn embarrassed and like a complete asshole in this moment she sounded mad like I was making wrongful accusations when I wasn't trying to at all, "no no I'm sorry I didn't mean that in an offensive way or anything I just you know, I just thought like a lot of people from high school had spread out with you included and like um I wasn't calling you a liar or nothing," I started rambling, and before I can finish my explanation Dakota cut me off with a humorous laugh like I told the worlds most funniest joke.

"Why are you laughing at me, I swear I didn't think you were a liar I was just joking around you know."

She was still laughing and at this point I wanted to just move seats and try my hardest to forget the whole interaction because now I felt like a fool which was upsetting me!

Finally she stopped her laughed to say to me, "Nadalia I was just fucking with you girl" she gave a soft smile, "I know you was just taken aback and were being sarcastic with me, so calm down before your mouth falls off."

At that i immediately frowned up my face, "that shit was not funny I felt like a dumbass, I thought you was gonna get on me," I softly shook my head as I began to fiddle with my rings.

"Get on you, what you mean, why would I do that," she asked all at once seemingly confused on why I thought such of her.

I didn't want to tell her 'oh my best friend told me you had a reckless ass mouth and I was nervous I'd experience it first hand' so I just resorted into saying, "I don't know, you sounded real serious that's all."

She took out her apple pen and her iPad before replying, "nah I ain't sensitive." 

The conversation being left at that as the professor came in and began to introduce hisself, and the course. He told us important things to keep in mind and had us download the pdf of his syllabus so we can print out on our own time.


Throughout the whole time me and Dakota didn't speak again until as the class was over and everyone began to pack up she tapped my wrist. "Ay you wanna exchange phone numbers? I mean if you not comfortable we don't have to but I just thought since we share a class and shit maybe we can hang or something sometime," she ended with a shrug of her shoulder, now she was rambling like I was earlier.

Seeing as Dakota gave me the same good energy I felt through our short interactions through instagram I agreed to her request, "yeah that sounds cool here lemme see your phone," I asked as I said put my laptop back down to retrieve the device.

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