❦Long Saturday

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September 24th

After I accepted my mothers call we were on the phone for a cool twenty minutes, at first I thought she was calling to check in on me but of course that ain't last long at all as she began to tell me about how dad been getting on her nerves the past two days and how she needs a break from him. This isn't new to me at all but every-time their issues is spoke about to me I get more and more tired. This was the reason why I left home as fast as I could so I wouldn't have to deal with the shit but I still end up having to.

Right now I was rolling up a blunt to ease my frustrations real quick before I go over to my peeps house and pick my mama up and do some shit with her for the next few hours so she can "have a break". I really ain't feel like doing nothing but hey I'm just that good of a daughter. As I was lighting the blunt my playlist ended and switched to playing a song by Flo, i've heard of em but never listened to any of their songs but the one playing right now was highkey hitting so I looked down at my phone to see the name which read Change. I added it to my playlist but soon after I did so a verse came up that made me laugh at the irony of it that I sent it to my mama.

No matter what you say or do
He'll never change
He'll never change


I hit send and sat back continuing the inhale of the smoke, feeling the substance surrounding the irritation from me and carrying it on its way out with my exhale. As I was in my thoughts figuring out what imma do with my mom I heard my phone ding.

"Speak of the devil huh" I lightly shook my head with a small smile as I read the message.

What that?
I hate when she does this, every time i send her something she asks what it is like if you don't click the shit and see.

It's a song, that part of it is for you about dad 😂

Dakota please, just hurry your ass

I rolled my eyes before I just thumbed up her message. She know damn well that shit hit her.  Wanting to get these next few hours over with as quickly as possible I ashed my blunt and say the rest of it beside the ashtray and got up from the bed and walking towards my closet to throw on some grey sweatpants from Gap and pulling on the matching hoodie over my Under Armor compression tee. I gathered my phone, AirPods, water bottle and my keys and wallet before I made my way out the room and to the living room to where I grabbed my pink crocs and made my way out the door locking it behind me.

Pulling up to my childhood home I called my mom telling her to come out, I would go in but I ain't feel like hearing my dads mouth and the last two years our relationship has been pretty rocky due to me always being in defense for my mom about his actions and of course he ain't like that shit.

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