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As a person that really don't give a fuck about saying anything, I really do give a fuck about what I say now.

It's not like it's necessarily bad or anything but I just don't know how it would resonate with Nadalia. I also do like the girl like for real, not that it was that much of a secret to begin with but it was most definitely hidden inside me for awhile and I know why it was. I also wouldn't mind dating her in the future but who knows if that'll even be a thought for her after she heard my explanation. She could be thinking I'm bull-shitting or just not want to wait around for me and I get that, I wouldn't blame her at all but it'll still suck.

I definitely should've had a blunt rolled for this but oh well, let's just get it over with.

"Alright so imma just start off on why I don't do relationships. Is that cool?"

I really don't know why I was asking but I guess I just wanted to give her an open if she ain't really want to hear about that first.

She rapidly shook her head as she sat up more straight, "yeah of course Dakota."

Her tone was confident and comforting which gave me the go to start.

"Well the reason behind my disdain for relationships stems from my parents," I started off as I looked back to Nadalia's face to see her expression displayed her intently listening.

"My parents were— been together for eighteen years. They started dating at nineteen and my mama fount out about me six months in so I'm deadass an accident on the highest key," I laughed a bit to which Nadalia followed suit in. Im always one to cover hard shit up with a joke and I wanted to just make the atmosphere more relaxed as I gave this backstory to the bigger one.

"My pops then proposed to my mom on the day she fount out she was pregnant with me when they were twenty. Growing up I always was witness to my parents joy and love so much that it obviously radiated onto me and resulted into me having a real good upbringing," I paused in my words as I noticed Nadalia scoot towards me more. The action showed me that she was trying to comfort me, which i appreciated.

Clearing my throat, I continued.

"Their love really made me excited for my own believe it or not but that was until five years ago when shit noticeably started to go downhill. It started with petty arguments to other stupid bickering. Then when they would get into it they would use me, my dad more so."

Nadalia's eyebrows furrowed deeply to the last of my words. I wondered what she was thinking but instead of stopping to ask I continued.

"My dad would try to be extra attentive or involved with me when he and my mom were in it so he could have me on his side or be on my good one type shit. Now my mama would put me in it but not as bad— but she would always come to me telling me what they had going on. The shit was tiring as hell and just draining and it only got worse for them and me. So from then I started getting more into my art by doing customs and canvases so I could save up to move out and yeah."

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