𝐢. the poison of camp and the minotaur slayer

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  ❝𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐕𝐄 got to be kidding me

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❝𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐕𝐄 got to be kidding me.❞ Hope Summers mumbled to herself, already having an irritation as her eyes opened.

  Why is she already irritated, you may ask. Well because, being that she had already woken up with a rough start, walking out to see a group of Ares and Hermes kid with the new comer, and also because Hope always wakes up irritated.

  Hope was not a person you wanted to wake up at a sleepover.

  She already knew Clarisse was doing her regular taunting, it was an everyday thing, and she knew Luke was helping the very clueless boy out, but she really did not know why it had to happen at the same time and so early in the morning.

  As she walked down Zeus's marble stone steps, the soles of her messed up and old black converse burning as she walked across the pebble and rock filled ground, making her way to the small huddle of Ares and Hermes kids.

  "Look, you want attention around here dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes." Clarisse taunted, a smug smile on her face.

  "Clarisse, just knock it off. Give it a day, atleast." Hope spoke, looking at her two best friends.

  "Why do you care? He's probably not even the kid you're looking for anyway." Clarisse spoke, making the kids behind her laugh.

  "I don't. I just don't need another lecture from Chiron about 'trying and being nice to the new comers.'." Hope said, completely ignoring what Clarisse had said about her quest.

  Clarisse just rolled her eyes before turning around, leaving with the rest of Ares kids behind her.

  "Chiron gave you another lecture?" Luke asked, looking at his little sister with a small smile.

  "Two days ago. Probably gonna get another one this week." Hope said, smiling slightly at Luke.

  Percy had finally took notice of the unnamed girl that had came out of nowhere.

  The girl had wavy brown hair that met below her shoulders, stormy grey eyes that looked cold only towards him, but soft towards Luke, and the same necklace with the same amount of beads as Luke as well.

  She looked to be his height, maybe even shorter. She wore a brown long sleeve under the orange Camp Half-Blood shirt everyone wore. And if you looked close, a silver chain with an oval pendant that had an H in the middle that was dangling off her neck was there that Percy noticed.

  "Well, she seems nice."

  "Ares kids. They come by it honestly." Luke spoke, shrugging his shoulders.

¹POISON TREE , percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now