Chapter 21: She Is A Nobody

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P.O.V. Tessy

*Smut waring*

We woke up in the morning by Sam and Nikki knocking on our door. We packed our stuff. I wore a green skirt with a belt and band shirt. Colby wore a leather jacket and black pants. We walked outside and Nikki was leaning against Sam. Nikki wore a black skort with a black and white knitted sweater. Sam was wearing a shirt with skinny jeans.

We checked out and walked towards the car. We drove to the airport. The flight was a lot faster than when we went last time. We arrived back in LA and went straight to the house. We got out of the car when an annoying voice filled my ears. "Hey Colbs!" I turn around to find the girl I bumped into at the party. I look at her annoyed when she hugs my boyfriend. I walk away with tears in my eyes.

Sam runs after me. As I hear a girl scream in pain. "That's for hurting my Best friend!" The girl left in tears. Colby ran towards me and took me inside towards the bedroom. "Babe she is a nobody. I promise." he says with a soft look in his eyes. "I know babe. I just.. I don't know what came over me." I say while looking down. Colby lifts my chin and I meet his eyes. "She was my ex. Her name is Amber. She means nothing to me anymore okey. You are my everything, something she will never be." He kisses me. But this time it's not a soft kiss, it's more demanding.

He kisses me like there is no tomorrow and I kiss him back the same way. He picks me up and lays me down on the bed. He takes his jacket off and then Colby hovers over me and kisses me very passionately. Colby slowly makes his way over to my neck and starts kissing my neck and collarbone. At every sweet spot I start to breathe a little heavier. I feel his smirk against my skin.

We make out for a bit and then I tuck on his shirt as a sign that I wanted it off. He breaks away from the kiss and takes off his shirt. He also helps me with my shirt, then we start to kiss again. I slowly trace my fingers over his abs. I hear him also breathing a little heavier. "Baby, do you wanna go a little further?" Colby asks in a husky voice. "I would love to," I say teasingly.

Colby moves his hands from my hips to the band of my skirt and yanks it off. Which leaves me only in my underwear. "You look so beautiful my darling," he says with an even deeper voice which makes me want him even more at this point. He slowly removes my bra and starts kissing me from my neck to my inner thighs.

He kisses my thighs some more before he moves his hands to the waistband of my panties. He teasingly plays with the waistband and then takes them off and starts kissing me down there. It feels so good I let out a soft moan. "You like that darling, I'm gonna make you feel so good," Colby says a little demandingly. He goes further but I can't hold it anymore. He knows it so he stops and takes off his underwear. He grabs a condom from his nightstand and puts it on.

"Baby, if it hurts just tell me to stop okay?" He asks kindly. "I will,"I say confidently. He slowly thrusts into me. The first few thrust hurted like hell but now they start to feel good. Moans leave our mouths. I put my hands on his face and kissed him deeply. The thrusts are getting sloppier by the second until we reach our climax. Colby rolls over next to me with the brightest smile and we cuddle for a bit.


I walked back downstairs with Colby. We walked towards the kitchen because we were hungry. but we accidentally walked into Sam and Nikki making out in the kitchen. Nikki was sitting on the counter, her hand wrapped in ice. "God could you guys take it somewhere else. I was hungry, but not anymore." Colby says while looking away. "Thank you for ruining my moment Colby!" Sam yells.

I walk over to Nikki. "What happened to your hand?" I ask. "Well somebody had to put that bitch in her place." She accidently puts pressure on her hand and winces. I grab some food and sit on the couch. I grab my phone and see a notification.

Hey honey, we got some great news!

Hey mom. What's the amazing news?

Your step brother is getting married!

Wait what?

Yeah he proposed and they want to marry as soon as possible

Isn't it too soon?

Well it's his choice, Tessy

When is it?

Somewhere next week.
I'll text you the details later honey!

I close my phone. Nikki walks into the room. "Your mom texted me.." she says. "I know, my step brother is getting married to the dumb wimp." I say. Nikki laughs her ass off. I laugh with her. Nikki goes to Sam's room. I walk towards Colby who is gaming in the living room. "Hey babe, my step brother is getting married next week and I want you to be my plus one." Colby kisses me in a response.

I grab a console and game together with Colby. I tried bringing him out of balance but he was too good at the game. We laughed a lot and everything felt right.

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