Chapter 1: The Announcement

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1 month until filming

P.O.V. Tessy

It's the day of the announcement of who won the give away. We are never gonna win because a lot of people signed in and we never win these things. Still we are checking our email and Instagram everyday. If you wanted to sign up you needed to write down your email address, phone number, you needed to say who you wanted to go with and you had to write down your instagram so they can tag you in their announcement.

"I'm so nervous, when was the announcement again?" I ask fidgeting with my rings. "At 12 pm, we still have to wait an hour. I'm so nervous that I don't think this hour will go by fast," Nikki says while walking circles through the living room. "Nik, sit down, you are making me more nervous. Let's watch some youtube videos and maybe the time will go by faster," I say, patting next to me on the couch. Nikki sits next to me and we put on an old Sam and Colby video.

Time has passed and out of nowhere we are getting loads of notifications. We check our phones immediately and then we see it.

Sam and Colby Mentioned you in their story

Samandcolby started following you

Sam Goldbach started following you

Colby Brock started following you

This can't be real. Nikki and I look shocked at each other. We open the story with shaky hands.

"Congratulations Nikki and Tessy are the winners of the give away!" Sam says happily. I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. "Girls, we hope to see you soon and congrats. Thank you all for participating in this give away." Colby says "For the people who didn't win don't be sad, maybe in the future you'll meet us," Sam says while winking at Colby. The story ends and Nikki and I look even more shocked at each other.

"We fucking won this!" I scream loudly and jump in the air. "We are gonna meet Sam and Colby. OH MY GODD!" She also screams. With tears in our eyes we hug each other. We are going to meet our idols and we are going to film with them.

After we hug Nikki's phone goes off. A number we don't know calls her. She accepts the call and puts it on speaker. 

Ghostly Love ~SNC~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora