Chapter 23: He Is Not Good For You

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P.O.V. Tessy

After the ceremony I walked to the bathroom. On my way back I met my father. "Hey dad, how are you?" I ask him but he doesn't answer the question. He grabs my arm "We need to talk. Now." He drags me towards a room.

"Who is that boy you are with?!" He says with a stern voice. My voice starts to break and tears form in my eyes. "You are hurting me.." I say in a whisper. I see a tall figure behind my father. He pushes my father back. Colby appears and stands between us. "I am sorry, but what do you think that you're doing?" Colby says. I immediately grabbed his hand for my own comfort but also to make sure he wouldn't do something stupid.

"Tessy, he is not good for you! Look at him." My dad tries to talk to me but Colby Takes me away. We walk outside as he checks me to make sure I wasn't hurt too badly. Colby held me while I cried in his arms. All of a sudden we hear a car speeding. Colby started screaming something towards it but before I knew it the lights went out.


a few days later

I woke up. The light hit me hard. I don't know where I am. I hear some things beep and when my eyes adjust to my surroundings I see that I am in a hospital. What happened? I think about what could have happened but the only thing I remember is me arguing with my father.

I look to my side and see my mother crying. I reach my hand to her as she holds it. "I am so glad you are okay sweetie." She says through her sobs. I looked around but I couldn't find Colby. "Where is Colby?" I asked while trying to sit up but everything was sore. I heard voices outside when Colby walked in with coffee in his hand. He hands it to my mother.

"Hey baby, you scared me, you know." he says. He gives me a kiss. The doctor did some check ups. and told me I was getting discharged tomorrow. My mother had to go back to the cafe. So she gave me a kiss and walked out.

Nikki and Sam finally visited after a few hours. "Hey look who is awake!" Nikki says in excitement. "It's been a whole week girlie. We know you love drama but this was a tat too much" She says with a laugh. I look at her arm which is in a sling. She explains what she saw and what happened. "Basically, if Sam wasn't there I wouldn't be here anymore." she says. I give her a careful hug.

The next day I got discharged. I sat in a wheelchair as Colby drove me towards the car. When Colby and I came home the house was decorated with balloons and postcards. "What is this?" I ask. When Sam and Nikki jump into my sight and scream "Welcome back!" Buddy runs towards me and carefully stands in front of me so I can pet him.

I laugh. "This is so cute!" I say with a smile. Colby helps me towards the couch. I sit down and get some rest. Nikki sits next to me on her good side so I can rest my head on her shoulder. Sam walks in with some painkillers for both of us. "The doctor says I am in this sling for a while. I can't run or play hockey either." she says with disappointment. She asks me if I have seen the person in the car but I shake my head.

"Sam says he saw a girl, but didn't get a good look on the face." She said. I told her about my fight with my dad. "Do you think he would have done it?" She asks me. I shake my head. "I don't think so." We watch some tv and both fall asleep.

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