Chapter 30: The Award Show

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P.O.V. Nikki

We drive towards the award show. The limousine sets us off right in front of the red carpet. Colby steps out first and gives Tessy a hand to step out as well. Sam steps out and helps me get out. Immediately the camera's start flashing. We stand to make poses and walk along the red carpet.

Sam has an arm around my waist and guides me along with him. The carpet starts to get busier and Tessy and I walk towards each other. Sam wants to keep moving and so does Colby. I can't stay with him and have to let go before I push people. Tessy and I stand there frozen, not knowing what to do.

We try to keep walking to the end and spot the boys also looking around. We give them a small wave and they walk towards us. "The crowd got too much." I say and we all walk towards the end. We get our seating plans and walk over to the right table. We sit down as the award show starts.


The show has been going on for a while now and the award for best unscripted series is next. Some woman starts walking through the room. "A lot of people have come here today for some awards. Hi Sam and Colby!" The woman waves and looks back at the camera. "They are here tonight because they won the award for best unscripted series!!!!!"

Sam and Colby look shocked. They stand up and Colby accepts the award and hugs Sam. They sit back down and give us both a kiss. "Congrats Sammy!!" The whole night was a party and the food was amazing. I loved every moment together with my friends. We walked out of the door and walked towards the limo.

Colby popped open a bottle of champagne. "Let's get this party started." We all sang with the songs and it was one of the happiest moments. Tessy and I were laughing our asses off as Sam and Colby were singing a really romantic song towards each other.

We arrived back at the hotel and walked towards the elevator. We all said our goodbyes and went to our rooms. Sam and I jumped in our bed and laughed. "This night was amazing!" I said. "Just wait for tomorrow" Sam said half asleep. I didn't think much of it and fell asleep shortly after that as well. 

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