Christmas special! 🎄Maxi's pov

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It is realy cold now that it's nearing christmas. Im still cold eventhough im wearing 3 layers under my fluffy coat. Maxi thought as shivered in the cold winter wind

"How long do you plan on standing there and quivering in the wind, come here i've made some hot chocolate for you and the others," Miss Loyen said like a loving mother.

For Maxi Miss Loyen was the closest thing to a mother and a loving parent she had. No one else spoke to her with such a motherly kindness, concern and annoyance ofcourse.

"IT'S SNOWING!" Mika said with her beautiful green eyes enlarged.

"I see the first snowfall of the year," Miss loyen said with a smile holding the four little girls close together.

No matter how many times they've seen it it always seems to have them struck by awe.

Maxi, sipping on her hot chocolate, stared in awe at the beautiful drops of white flakes falling from the sky. Her cheeks and nose as well as everyone elses were different shades of red and pink. Maxi felt her body warming up from the hot chocolate but she believes it came from warmness of   her friends and the happiness that radiates from them. She couldn't help but smile at the lovely sight and feeling.

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