Wandering slave Ch.9

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Riftan, who was just a 17 year-old boy, was wandering about  after fininshing his work at the stables. He was taking a break from carrying basket after basket of horse dung to the compost shoot that was a long distance away from the stables.

"Ugh stinks. Gosh, how i wish i could take a shower," He said  annoyed at the smell of dung on his shirt.

'Wait. What's that'

Shocked by the sudden rustling in the bushes behind, Riftan ran to a nearby tree to hide as he thought it was the seniors that had always bullied him and gave him chore after chore day and night.

Out came a red furred animal from the bushes.

'That.... is not an animal it's a girl with red hair'

Turns out that the 'animal' Riftan saw was none other than Maximilian

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