Yes! ch.3

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"Are you enjoying that peach?" Mefina asked pointing at the peach Maxi was holding. "Y- yes. It's s- sweet and d- delicious," maxi replied. "Poof," suddenly another peach appeared on mefina's hand! "Woah. T- that was a- amazing," maxi said in astonishment.

"You could do it too. I know you can," mefina said handing over the peach that magically appeared in her hand. "R- really? Please t- teach m- me," Maxi asked with stars in her eyes. She thought that if she learned how to do that she would be loved by her father like how he loves Agnes. "Well first, this is what you call magic, the abillity to bring things to you and away from you is just a tiny part of magic. You can do many other amazing thing like, helping people and floating!" Mafina said in a proud voice. "Woah. P- please teach me," Maxi pleaded. "Well then please join us and become a dark wizard. I'm sure you will grow to love it and make new friends," Mefina Loyen said proudly extending her arm towards maxi. "Yes!" Maxi squelled in delight. Maxi agreed to join without knowing what she had just signed up for. The leader of young wizards who teaches them how to protect and fight for themselves, help and protect others. Mefina Loyen has gotten another student that was eager to learn magic or dark magic to be specific.

"Follow us! We will take you to our dungeon," Leah said holding maxi's hand. "Y- yes," maxi said with excitement.

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