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Months had passed since Link called in. I thought things were going great. They had a tour coming up so there were times Link was a little tense or stressed. I started to distance myself little by little. I love Link more than anything, but I know when he needs space. 

Maybe we needed a break just until the tour was over. I didn't want a break, but I felt like it would be best for him. 

I sat at my desk on my laptop looking at flights to go back home. There was a knock at the door and before I could get up Link entered the room. 

"Hi baby.", I said shutting my laptop a little. 

"Hey sweetheart."

I got up from my desk and came around to be closer to Link. I swallowed trying to find the courage to bring up my thoughts. 

"I was going to grab lunch if you would like to join me doll.", Link offered. 

"I would like too but I've got a lot of work to finish."

Link grabbed my laptop to save my work but before I could protest, he sat it down and stared at me. 

"You're going home?"

"Link I-.", I couldn't find the words to try to explain to him. 

Links gaze never left mine. He looked hurt and confused.

"You what darlin? You can talk to me about this stuff you know."

"It's just.", I paused trying to think about how to word this. "I just think we could use a break. You've been stressed and tense Link. I want what's best for you."

Link swallowed hard and looked at me in disbelief. 

"Doll you are what's best for me. I know I've been stressed, and I have noticed that you've slowly started to distance yourself. If you want a break, I won't stop you. I am going to go grab lunch. If you want something just text me."

Link kissed my forehead and left the room. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I decided to skip lunch and just focus on work. 

When it was time to go home, I stayed behind hoping Link would just go home and I could catch an uber. Of course, that is not what happened. Link came into my office and started packing my bags. I stared at him. 

"Let's go darlin."

We made our way to the car. The ride was silent and kind of uncomfortable. Once we made it home and inside, I was heading straight for my office, but I felt Link grip my wrist. It was a little harder than normal. He spun me around to face him.

"Ana I was serious about that break. If that is something you want to do, then go ahead. Just know I don't want a break. I want you here."

I stared into his blue orbs on the verge of tears. Link pulled me into him. Cradling my head into his chest. I started to sob lightly. I felt awful for even thinking about taking a break when he was stressed. I knew he needed me. 

Link calmed me down and we spent the night making slow and passionate 'love'. He was gentle and caring. Wirshiping every inch of my body. After we reached our highs we showered together, had dinner, and spent the rest of the night in bed. 

I played with Links hair as he fell asleep on my chest thinking about how I was an absolute fool thinking I needed a break from Link. He was all I needed. This man was like my oxygen and my gravity. I knew in the future I wanted to marry him. 

Hopefully this chapter is good. Any suggestions?

Much Love!!

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