Dancing With Our Hands Tied - 18

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"Deep fears that the world would divide us. So, baby, can we dance, oh through an avalanche?

(Little bit of smut)

(Epilogue - 10 months later - Harry's Pov)

I felt Louis push into me causing me to press my face into the pillow as I moaned. He began to move, ramming into me while kissing the back of my neck.

We've been together for around eleven months now and it's amazing. He's everything I've ever wanted in life and I love him to death.

The first time we had sex was around eight months ago and it was magical. So magical that we went through what some refer to as the honeymoon phase of a relationship where we just couldn't get enough of each other and we're always kissing and touching. Everyone around found it annoying, but I just loved being so close to him.

We've toned it down a little and don't have sex three times a day anymore, I'm officially able to walk again. Niall said we still haven't exited the honeymoon phase because he walked in on us fucking last week. That might have been my fault for not locking the door... oh well.

Louis is absolutely perfect, he takes me ice skating on the pond just outside of town, he plans picnics for us, he even tried cooking for me once. It wasn't that bad but I don't trust him near the kitchen anymore after he caught the scrambled eggs on fire.

We don't live in the house with his family anymore, but we don't really have our own place either. We live in the loft in the barn, we've renovated and refurbished it so that it's completely clean and decorated. I finally got to design my own room. Well our room technically.

Its walls are blue, the same shade as Louis' eyes and the furniture is colorful along with a magnitude of random blankets stored in every corner of the place.
Best of all we got a cat. Her name is Dusty and she's my best friend, Niall has accepted this.

Louis has been writing a whole bunch recently in that notebook of his. Some of the stuff he shows me other stuff he keeps to himself. He gets shy about it all but he's opened up some and even sings some nights at the bakery I work at for people. Niall plays the guitar alongside him while I eat bread. It's amazing.

I moaned as Louis quickened his thrust, I tried propping myself up a little more on my arms again, turning my head to the side so I could face him a little. He captures my mouth in a kiss as both of us finished.

I pulled my face away a little to catch my breath, Louis pulling out of me and throwing away the condom and cleaning me up before laying on the bed beside me.
"You're so beautiful." He smiled, running his hands through my curls.

"So are you. Very adorable." I giggled, kissing his nose.

"I'm not adorable, I'm sexy." He pouts.

"You're still going on about this?" I say, raising a brow.

"Yes, and I will continue to until you accept it." He grinned before rolling over so he was straddling my lap and kissing me again.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door to the loft causing both of us to groan.

"Are you decent?" I hear Niall ask.

"No, give us a minute." I respond, Louis climbing off of me. Suddenly the door opens, both of us quickly pulling the blanket over us.

"Niall! What the fuck!" I yell as he climbs up the ladder.

"What? Nothing I haven't seen before." He replied, fully climbing up the ladder and standing on the floor.

I scoff but Louis just smiles, "he's right technically." Louis shrugs, reaching over and grabbing his boxers off the ground and sliding them on while trying to stay under the blanket as best as possible.

Dancing With Our Hands Tied [L.S.] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя