Speak now - 17

18 0 3

(Harry Pov)

I hear the preacher say "Speak now or forever hold your peace." I glance up at the crowd hoping someone would save me from this- then I see him.

Running up at the end of the aisle. He wears the black tank top he had under his guard uniform with another type of clothing peeking out from underneath wrapped around his middle. He looks tired, but he's alive. My Louis, My love. 

"Louis." I gasp, jumping off the small stage like platform I was on and running towards him.

"I object." He says before both our bodies collide our lips immediately connect in a passionate kiss.

But it's not really this kiss that's intimate but the way Louis' hand held my jaw as if I was a china doll. It's the way his hand slid under my blazer to sit against my button up as his hand rested on my side. It's the way my arms wrapped over his shoulder trying to pull him closer to me while my fingers ran through the back of his hair.

Suddenly he hisses, causing me to remove my hands from around his neck. "Sorry. I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine."

"Oh my god you're alive." I sigh in relief.

"Yeah, I'm pretty thankful about that too-"

We were interrupted by the guards reappearing, running towards us with their guns raised.

"Lower your guns for goodness sake! Don't aim at the prince!" Father says from behind me causing me to turn to look at him with my arms still around Louis waist. I noticed the confused faces of the crowd, everyone seeming as if they've just witnessed the best drama of the year.

Suddenly the guards hands are on me, trying to remove me from Louis. Louis' grip is tight on me and so is mine on him. We won't let them separate us this time. Not now, not ever.

More guards try separating us, then wrapping their arms around Louis and slowly prying mine off. Louis yells out in pain as they touch his back but unlike whenever I accidentally hurt him they press on his wound even more.

"What's going on?" One of the guests asks loudly, the others begin to question the same thing, some standing up to get a better view on the situation.

I don't realize I'm crying till I feel the tears fall down my face, I truly have been getting too emotional lately. I feel Louis slip from my grip as I begin to be pulled backward even more forcefully, the guards hand clutching on my arm ruffly enough to bruise.

I hear Louis cry out in pain again as one of the men hits him in the back on his wound in an effort to get him to let go of me.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" One of the people in the crowd of guests gasps, others beginning to try and pull the guards off of us.

"Everyone stay calm, please return to your seats-"

"Oh shut the fuck up!" Gemma yells before punching a guard in the face. The whole place has broken out in a frenzy, a shirtless Niall suddenly appearing alongside a bruised faced Luke as they begin to fight. I looked up to see Kendall's mum lying on the ground crying while Kendall tried to comfort her.

It's complete chaos.

"Silence!" Father suddenly screamed from behind us all causing everyone to stop what they were doing, even the guards. Their holds on me and Louis dropped, both of us quickly moving away from them with our arms around each other.

"Harold, it appears no matter what I do you won't listen to me. And if this is the way it has to be then so be it." He paused before speaking again. "Is being with him what you truly want?"

Dancing With Our Hands Tied [L.S.] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt