You Could Start A Cult - 9

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"You are so much more than beautiful to me"

The next morning Zayn, Liam, and their families left.

And so does Louis.

Not permanently, just to another room down the hall, but not right across from me anymore. This makes it way more difficult to be around him discreetly and make it increasingly difficult to find alone time with him.

Today I wore a better collared shirt to cover the beautiful mark Louis had left on my neck from his visit to my office yesterday. Don't want to have to explain that to my mum at our afternoon tea today with the girls.

"So girls, has Harold been treating you nicely?" She asked, taking a sip of her tea. Why must she invite me to these things?

"Yes ma'am." Taylor says, eating a cookie.

"That's good, have any of you kissed yet?" She questions further.

"Mum." I say, trying to stop before I die of embarrassment.

"Yes, me and him yesterday. But it appeared someone had already beat me to it." Kendall says, causing me to strangle her in my mind while begging Zayn and Liam sisters to come back.

"Oh, which one of you got to him first?" Mum asks, looking up at Taylor and Lottie.

Both of them glance at each other and then glance at me, knowing it was neither of them and most likely assuming it was Louis.

"Uh, me." Lottie says quietly, causing me to sigh in relief and mouth her a small 'thank you'.

"Ah, so Taylor you're the only one who hasn't kissed my son?" Mum asks.

"Appears that way." Taylor says, glancing up at me while drinking tea.

"Then you're the one to go on a date with him today." I love the way she auctions me off, really shows off her motherly love.

"Thank you, your majesty." Taylor says before giving me an apologetic look.

"Taylor, Harold, you two can go ahead and leave for your date, I'll talk to Charlotte and Kendall about their kisses with you." Why is she so invasive? I get she doesn't have a life and gets to hear no drama but does she seriously want to know about my nonexistent relationship with these women?

I stand up at the same time as Taylor, her wishing mum a good day as we exit the room.

"Well that was nerve racking." Taylor laughs after I close the door.

"As always." I respond, turning to face her.

"Good thing Lottie covered your ass." She says, causing me to roll my eyes.

"We're being careful."

"You and Louis?" She asks. I nod. "I'm happy you two are happy. I hope you can choose him, in the end."

"I hope so too." I sigh, "So what do you want to do for our date?"

"It doesn't really matter to me." Taylor shrugs.

"Want to... bake cupcakes?" I offer.

"Sure." Taylor smiles. We both walked towards the kitchen, our walk filled with conversation of the different types of cake and icing we planned to use.

Just as we walked through the door of the kitchen we were faced with the sight of Amelia pushed against the counter with Niall kissing her. "Oh shit." I say, probably a little louder than I should have.

Niall looked up, smirking when he saw us and stepping away from Amelia. Amelia looked over at me in shock.
"Oh my god I'm sorry your highness." She apologized, looking as though her life had just ended.

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