Secret Love Song Part 2 - 10

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"On the outside where I can't be yours and you can't be mine"

(Warning: more mentions of Simon Cowell)

I knock on Louis' door, him opening it seconds later. I had picked up pizza from the kitchens, it now sitting in a bag on my arm. "Ready to go?"

"Yep." He smiles, stepping into the hallway and closing the door. We walk close, wanting to hold hands but not wanting to get caught.

We exit the building and run to the stables we're Niall is sitting. "Why hello, I expected you to join me again in my insolation out here at some point."

"Oh shut up you were just in the castle this morning." I say, knocking his hat he wore on the floor causing him to scoff.

"Taking Darcy out again?" Niall asked, grabbing Darcy's saddle.

"Yep, going on a picnic. Don't tell mum."

"Didn't plan on it." Niall smiled.

He put the saddle on the horse, me getting and helping pull Louis up, handing him the pizza to hold. "Niall, can you grab a blanket from the shelf?" Niall nods reluctantly, grabbing the blanket and handing it to Louis.

"Looks like you've got your hands full." I remark to Louis looking over my shoulder.

"Yeah you've handed me a lot of shit-"

"Don't forget to hold on." I interrupted before Darcy took off moving, I felt Louis frantically wrap his arms around me.

"If this pizza is smushed, it's your fault not mine, you hear?" Louis huffs, leaning his forehead against my back.

"Whatever you say." I laugh, we enter the tree line and I pull on the reins a little, Darcy slowing down her pace.

"How'd your meeting with your dad go earlier?" Louis asks.

"Ehhhhhh, not very good. He told me I had to get married on the twenty eighth so I could become king on the first of march." I say, I feel Louis' hands stop from where they were gently moving up and down on my sides.

"Married on the twenty eighth, that's soon." He mumbles.

"Yeah, I... I don't know what to do." I sigh, shaking my head.

Maybe if I just tell my mum I want to be with Louis it will be okay, and then me and him can get married. I'd be okay if I had to be king if he was with me.

"We'll figure it out." Louis states.

"When? How?"

"We just will, I promise." He says.

"Okay." I trust him.

We arrive at the waterfall, the wind blowing slightly creating a peaceful breeze as we come to a stop. I slid off of Darcy, grabbing the blanket and pizza from Louis' hands and setting them down before helping Louis down.

"Thank you." Louis murmured after he got down, squeezing my hand.

"No problem, do you wanna eat now or later?" I ask, letting go of Louis' hand and laying out the blanket.

"Now works for me." He responds, grabbing the pizza box from on top of the rock and sitting down on the blanket. I sit down beside him, smiling over at him.

"I'm glad I get to spend time with you." I say, poking his elbow causing him to laugh.

"I'm glad we get to hang out too. I still can't believe you actually like me, it's crazy." He replied, opening the pizza box and grabbing a slice.

Dancing With Our Hands Tied [L.S.] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon