Daylight / Paradise - 15

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"I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you"
"But I've never wanted something, as much as I want you"

(Harry's Pov)

After about thirty minutes of crying I got up and walked into my living room area, going to the window and staring at the guards patrolling the grounds.

Security has been increased. Joyous.
I suddenly hear a knock at my door. "Go away!" I groan, throwing a pillow from the couch at the door.
The person knocks again more aggressively.

"I said go away!" I yelled, looking around for something else to throw. I'm feeling petty and childish.
They continuously knock on the door causing me to become even more pissed.

"If you don't stop knocking right now-"

"Open the fucking door!" I hear a voice I immediately recognize from the other side.

There's no way in hell- I get up, running to the door and throwing it open. "Louis? How did you-" I question but his hand covers my mouth and pushes me into the room again, him closing the door with his foot.

Well that was hot for no reason at all. Also the fact he's dressed in a guard outfit is doing something to me right now.

"This hat is making my head feel like it's about to explode." He murmurs, moving his hand from my mouth and undoing his hat, removing the strap from under his chin and throwing the hat on the ground.

"Oh my god, you're here. How are you here?"

"When they were getting you from the cabin I knocked out a guy and stole his outfit, I walked with the group here and then had to pretend to guard this random room for thirty minutes before the other guard that was there left and I was able to run and find you." Louis says, I notice a bruise around his eye causing my face to drop, me stepping forward to lightly grab his face.

"Your eye..."

"It doesn't matter. The girls are okay, they didn't hurt them. I got the men to leave the house." He says, causing me to sigh in relief.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him, moving my hands from his face so that they're draped over his shoulders.

"I don't know, you don't want to be here right? You don't want to marry either of those girls?" He asks suddenly, his voice quivering a little as if he was afraid.

"Lou, I'm yours. Only yours. I don't want to be with them." I answer, leaning forward and pecking his lips.

He smiles a little before a frown takes over his face again. "So how do we get out of here? I heard some of the guards talking about how they've increased security. There's no way for us to escape. They've even apparently got a guard set up at the barn with Niall."
I think for a moment before a metaphorical light bulb goes off in my head.

"What if you act as the guard that's stationed at the barn and then I can go visit the barn because I'm going to be supervised by 'a guard' and then we can leave." I say, a smile taking over my face.

"But what about Niall? Won't he get in trouble?"

"We can take him with us, bring him into town." I responded.

"What about once we get to town? We won't be able to stay, they'll come for us. They'll come for my family." Louis says, looking down.

"We'll take them too, we can all move to a different town. A better one where we don't have expectations. Maybe we can go to my sister's village." I say, trying to think of what's best for us. Maybe my ideas sound more like childlike fantasies but it's all I've got.

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