Bloodline - 14

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"Ain't no one to tell you, "Run, boy, run" Like I should've done"

(Apologies in advance for all the Pov changes lol)

(Harry's Pov)

I don't know where I'm walking or how long I've been walking in this direction. I just know my feet hurt and I want to go to sleep.

The sun is setting above me and I have nowhere to go. I've thought about turning around and going back to Louis' house, but if the guards have left they're probably following me right now.

They could just be a couple of feet to my right. I have to stay awake and stay alert.

I walk until the sun is completely gone from my view, I walk until I feel my throat dying of thirst. I just walk and walk and walk. Eventually I see heaven in front of me. A cabin. It sits alone in the darkness, not a light on inside or any signs of life.

I creep up to the cabin, peeking my head in the window to see if anyone's inside.


It's most likely an old hunting cabin that no one is fortunately using for the winter. I walk inside, closing the door behind me.

I immediately rushed to the small kitchen fishing through the cabinets and drawers. I find some water and canned vegetables, not the best dinner but it'll have to do. I made sure not to eat all of the food, seeing as I will need some for tomorrow.

I walk over to the bed falling on it. I tell myself repeatedly that I'm not going to fall asleep, that I'm just resting my body. But I soon feel my eyelids grow heavy as I fade from consciousness.

(Louis Pov)

"I want to find him." I say, sitting down at the table the next morning for breakfast.

"Louis, I don't know if that's the best idea right now." Mum responded as she cut Daisy' toast for her.

"He's out there all alone right now, he's never been alone before mum. He can't even cook, he's going to die out there." I pout, stabbing a piece of my sausage angrily with my fork.

"How will you find him?" Lottie asks.

"I don't know. I guess I'd just wander the woods until I find him." I shrug.

"And if you don't?"

"Don't what?"

"Find him."

"That's not an option." I retaliated.


"No. I'm going to find him." I say, standing up and walking upstairs and beginning to stuff some necessities into my backpack.

"What are you doing?" Lottie asked, running into our room, stopping in the doorway.

"I'm leaving."

"You really love him huh?" She says, a soft smile on his face.

"More than anything." I respond, meeting her gaze.

"I'll look after mum and the others," she says, causing me to sigh in relief, dropping my backpack and walking over and hugging her.

"Thank you."

"No problem Lou." I move away from her arms, grabbing my backpack.

"I'm going to find him and bring him home." I give her a small smile before running downstairs, my mum standing in the living room as if she expected to see me ready to run off.

"Please take care of yourself." She sighs, handing me a water bottle and pulling me into a hug.

"I will, I promise." I say kissing her cheek before walking towards the door, giving her one last sad smile before opening the door and running outside and into the trees.

Dancing With Our Hands Tied [L.S.] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora