Always you - 4

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"All I could do was think about you"

Lunch was chaotic to say the least, afterwards I felt like I was being pulled in twenty directions, talking to the girls, talking to their families, talking to my family, and finally my friends.

I learned that the brown haired guy's name was Liam, and black haired guy's name was Zayn. They seem really nice.

Everyone disbanded back to their rooms to rest while mum had tea with the girls and me.

"So, ladies, how are you doing today?" Mum asked from where she sat across from me.

"Good, so glad to be here." Ruth says.

"Very good, your majesty." Lottie says.

"That's excellent, so what are your intentions with my son?" She asks all of them, causing me to choke on my tea.

"Mum." I say in a warning tone.

"What dear, I'm just looking out for you." She says, taking a sip of her tea. The girls stay silent, not knowing what to say. "Come on now, don't be afraid to speak."

"I want to marry him." Kendall speaks up.

"Excellent, and you other ladies do you feel the same way?" They all nod. I feel like dying right now.

"Harold, do you want to marry one of these girls?" She asks me, I feel my chest tighten up. My face freezes.

No, I don't want to marry any of them.

"I'm going to go to the restroom." I say, standing up.

"No, Harold, sit back down, we were having a discussion.

"Yes, we were. One I do not feel like having right now." I exit the room leaving the girls alone with my mum. Good luck to them.

I walk back up to my room finding Louis lounging in my window seat reading one of my books.

"You look comfortable." I remark, walking over and sitting beside him.

"I am, and the view is stunning from here." He says looking out the window. "The gardens are beautiful."

"They are, I'll have to show you my favorite part of the grounds, well actually it's just outside the grounds on the edge of town. Do you want to go with me tomorrow? We can ride horses out there and go see it." I suggest, suddenly getting super nervous for his reply. What is happening to me these days?

"That would be lovely." Louis smiled. I feel relieved. He goes back to reading his book, me just examining his face for longer than I probably need to be. He stops and looks up at me.

"What is it?" He asks, putting down the book again.

"What's what?"

"You're staring at me." Oh.

"I just, I don't know. You have a nice face." I say, my face turning a shade of maroon.

"A nice face huh? That's a high compliment coming from you Mr. Prince Charming." Louis smirks, causing me to laugh.

"I'm not Prince Charming, this isn't a fairytale." I responded.

"Says who? I bet you're just waiting for the perfect girl to sweep off her feet and run away with." Louis replies.

"Maybe I'm the one waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet." I whisper in thought.

"Maybe you are. Trapped in your tower, imprisoned, waiting for your savior." He says, doing little jazz hands at the end of his sentence.

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