Chapter 1: The Rose-Red Tyrant, Act 12

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It's the last day of 2023 and I thought that I'd have time during Christmas break for updates, but apparently not because I had relatives to meet. Without further ado, here is a new chapter!

Also, there will be some unofficial rules that are added about the Rules of the Queen of Hearts since not all 810 are mentioned. So if you see a rule that isn't in the original storyline, then keep in mind that it's for fanfic purposes.

However, there are exceptions like the dress code during the Unbirthday party. There is a rule that canonically exists but the story doesn't specify a number (unless there is, please correct me). So, I'll mainly write the rule numbers at random without overlapping the current ones.


-Faustian Dorm, Lounge-

Cater noticed Ace finally arrive in the room and made sure to remind Ace about his plan "Well, you should get one of the tarts we made yesterday and go apologize to Riddle", Cater mentioned as Sebastian brought out the tart that they made yesterday.

"Here you go, Trappola. Don't drop it now", Sebastian chimed in as he handed the tart to Ace, the freshman sighed in relief as Cater slightly raised a brow in both surprise and confusion. His expression conveys the following thought: 'How the actual fuck did he get that? Didn't Trey safely keep the tart in the fridge back at the dorm?'.

Keeping the odd encounter at the back of his mind, he focuses back on the more pressing matters "You should probably hurry because after the trouble yesterday, we're a little short-handed", Cater brought up as Sebastian wore a curious expression.

"What does that mean?", Ace asked as Cater shrugged off the concerning statement "Don't worry, I've totes got it under control. Anyway, off to the party we go!", Cater reassured as he guided Ace, Sebastian, and Grim to the Hall of Mirrors and mirror travel to Heartslabyul.

-Heartslabyul Dorm, Entrance-

They arrive at the front garden of the dorm and walk down the pavement to the maze garden "All right, so I'll hand over the tart and say I'm sorry, then-", Ace was trying to clarify the steps of his plan until he was interrupted by another Cater, this time, wearing his PE uniform.

"Hey, it's about time I got back! Good to see me!", Cater? greeted as Ace, Sebastian, and Grim were shocked, it was like they were seeing double "And me! Looking good as always, me!", Cater greeted himself? "Th-there're two Caters?!", Grim questioned as he looked between the two identical individuals.

"Are you guys identical twins?!", Ace assumed as Sebastian connected the dots "Or this could be Diamond's signature spell? Something to do with cloning himself", Sebastian deduced as Cater nodded with the latter's assumption.

"Ding ding ding! I don't have any siblings. What I DO have is my signature spell, Split Card. It lets me make magic duplicates of myself", Cater explained as Grim had an 'aha!' moment "So that's how Cater kept coming after we beat him over and over again yesterday!", Grim chimed in as Cater confirmed again nodding.

Another Cater, one wearing his lab wear arrives to greet them "Welcome home, daaarlings", then, another Cater joins in wearing his ceremonial robes and slings his arm over Sebastian's shoulder "Good to see you, Sebastian!".

"You're late! I was worried sick!", PE Cater remarked as Ace, Sebastian, and Grim were taken aback by the growing amount of Caters that were greeting them "Bwah! There are more of them?", Ace asked as he shortly backed away.

"This is quite impressive... Although, I assume that you are the real Cater?", Sebastian inquired as he examined the group of Caters and pointing at the PE Cater, the said individual stepped forward "Yup, it's me! J-S-Y-K making these duplicates is suuuper exhausting, so I can't maintain them for long", Cater answered as he added more explanation with a sigh.

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