Chapter 1: The Rose-Red Tyrant, Act 3

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Story Guide:
"Hello" = Talking
'Hello' = Thinking, might mix with Memory dialogue
"Hello" = Memory dialogue
"Hello" = Whispering
▶: "Hello" = Author speaking
[Name]: "Hello" = Character speaking

Note: Ciel and Sebastian are currently not in uniform, so for now, they wear their usual Victorian attires until Crewel finishes their sets. Also, I realized that they don't have school supplies, so maybe they'll have a little trip to Sam's :}

~Flashback, before class~

-Heartslabyul, Rose Maze-

Once the group of freshmen was out of the rose maze, Cater sighs in relief since Ace wasn't in the vicinity anymore. However, his roommate came by to check on stuff and was appalled by the scene. The grass had burn marks, the bushes were scorched up to the point where there are no leaves left, the stems were on fire, paint buckets toppled on the ground along with spilled red paint, and the mismatched roses on the remaining untouched bushes.

"Cater, what happened here?!", the male with a clover mark on his left cheek exclaimed "Oh? Some newbies scuffle, I was just trying to escort them but it didn't turn out that well", Cater vaguely answered, the panic started to sink in once he realized that the garden is a total mess, his roommate didn't pry any further and focused on getting the garden back to its original state.

"Alright, I'll help you with fixing here, we can have your clones help as well so we can finish quicker. We still have time before class starts, Riddle is not going to be happy if he finds out about this...", the male replied as went to grab cleaning materials.

"Thanx man... Guess I'm back to square one...", Cater muttered as he looked dejected around the messy garden. He thought getting help from the freshmen would lessen his workload, instead, it backfired and they left a bigger chore for him to clean up...

~Back to the Present~

-Laboratory, Potionology-

Ciel sees Sebastian enter the room and raises his hand to signal him, Sebastian made his way beside him at the back and materializes a cage without anyone noticing. Once placed on the desk, Grim immediately noticed the metallic object and tried to get away but he was grabbed by the scruff by Sebastian, he proceed to protest and wiggle out but failed.

Ace and Deuce sat beside them, Ace lightly smirked at Grim and teased him by sticking his hands inside the cage and then quickly pulling it out before Grim could bite him, Grim growled and his determination to get out of the cage was fueled while Ace continued to make fun of him.

"If you two don't knock it off, I won't hesitate to pour boiling tea on your heads during lunch", Ciel snapped as he yanks the two's ears to which they wince, safe to say it worked.

After a few minutes, a fabulous man with black and white hair entered the room. He places down his stuff and scans the crowd of freshmen "You must be my new homeroom students. Hmm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur, do make sure that you arrive properly groomed. My name is Divus Crewel, you may call me Master Crewel", Crewel introduces as he goes to write on the board.

"Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin, we're going to start with the basics. And by that, I mean beating the names and distinguishing characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains", Crewel stated as he gives a sensible lesson overview.

Ciel and Sebastian listen attentively since they might gain some basic knowledge and logic "Sebastian, go to the school store while I'm attending the housewarden meeting later. Grab us the necessary school supplies and place the payment in a student loan", Ciel instructed as he kept his focus on the lesson, Sebastian nodded in compliance as he keeps in mind of the orders.

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