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   I don't know why Lauren is fighting this so much. I mean, I do understand why but with her getting a divorce we can definitely make this work. She might not be attracted to other females but I do believe she's attracted to me. It's obvious especially with all the times she has openly checked me out. Plus she basically admitted having feelings for me.

   I quickly stand and without much thinking I walk up behind Lauren "how can something so wrong feel so right?" Before she can answer I say "I'm sorry Lauren" and quickly turn her around, cup her face and crash my lips into hers. She doesn't pull away so I take this as a good sign to deepen the kiss by moving one hand behind her neck. I pull her into me a little more and slowly run my tongue over her bottom lip.

   A soft moan escapes Lauren, her body completely relaxes against me and she quickly grabs my shirt, pulling me into her more as her lips move with mine in a hungry kiss. I lick across Lauren's bottom lip again and she opens her mouth for my tongue to explore. The kiss grows deeper and hungrier and we are both trying to pull each other closer if that's even possible.

   Our passionate kiss is cut short by the doorbell ringing which causes Lauren to quickly release me and jump back. Her hands go to her mouth with a shocked look on her face. "Oh God Kyler, what did we just do? How could... why would... I...?" she says breathing heavily but not looking at me.

   I feel as if I'm floating on air and already want to kiss her again. It's crazy how just a kiss can make you feel so much. Kissing her and her kissing back was a dream come true. Her lips are so soft, she tastes good and I want more. The doorbell rings again and I snap back to reality. I head to answer the front door while Lauren is still in her state of shock.

   When I open the door there is a guy standing there. I take in his appearance and he looks... nearly exactly like me. There is such a resemblance we could easily pass for twins. I just stare at him when he asks "Is this Mike Adams house?"

   I am still staring at him but I say "yes it is but he is not home right now." He slightly frowns and I ask "Who are you and can I help you with something?"

   "Well, my name is Kyle and I am here to see my birth father." Excuse me, say what?

   "You're what?" I ask just as Lauren comes around the corner to the front door and stands beside me.

   "Can I... help you with something?" Lauren asks as she curiously looks between me and Kyle.

   "Well as I told her" he said motioning to me "my name is Kyle and I'm here to see my birth father."

   Lauren furrows her eyebrows and asks "who is your birth father?"

   Kyle looks at Lauren "His name is Mike Adams and this is the address I have for him."

   I look at Lauren then back at Kyle "you must be mistaken. I'm an only child so you must have the wrong Mike Adams."

   Kyle shakes his head "I'm not at the wrong address. I've been looking for my birth parents since I was 18. I found out my birth mother Sara passed away in late February in Pensacola but my birth father Mike and sister Kyler are still alive and live here. So I'm guessing your Kyler with as much as we look alike" he says pointing at me.

   I just turn around and walk off because I cannot believe what I'm hearing. After walking into the living room and sitting down on the loveseat, I hear Lauren tell Kyle to come in. She walks into the living room with Kyle following behind her. Lauren takes a seat in the chair and tells Kyle to sit so he takes a seat on the sofa.

   "Ok Kyle, this is a lot to take in but please tell us everything you can. You look nearly exactly like Kyler but she is the only child I know of Mike having." Lauren says.

   "I will gladly tell you what I found out and you're right about Kyler and I looking alike. It's crazy how much we favor even though I'm a year and a half older." Kyle says. A year and a half older? What the actual fuck?

   He clears his throat and continues talking. "Ok, I know my mother Sara lived in Pensacola and my father Mike lives here in San Antonio. Sara passed away in February in a drunk driving accident when her car was hit but Kyler survived. I know you, Lauren, are Mike's third wife."

   I look at Lauren then back at Kyle "okay anybody could find out everything you just said. However, you have not told us yet how you are supposedly my brother."

   "Okay, you're right." Kyle says then continues. "Sara got pregnant and had me when she was 16 and Mike had just turned 19. I was actually born on Mike's birthday so technically he was 18 when Sara got pregnant. Anyway, her parents knew she was too young to raise a child but told her they would support her in her decision whatever it might be even though their health wasn't the best. Mike wanted her to have an abortion but Sara couldn't bring herself to do that. Mike and his parents somehow convinced Sara and her parents to put me up for adoption. When I found out, I wondered why Mike was not arrested because of Sara's age but apparently Florida has a Romeo and Juliet clause for the age of consent. His parents used that to their advantage to keep him out of trouble."

   This is just to fucking much. "I'm sorry but I kind of find this hard to believe. My mom and I were close and I can't believe she would have kept this from me." I say bitterly. Lauren leans forward and places her hand on my knee and I instantly feel calm. She will never understand what just her touch does to me.

   Lauren then looks at Kyle and says "I'm sorry but this is a lot to take in."

   "I understand it is and trust me when I say it was hard on me when I found out I was adopted. I love my parents a lot and that will never change. I just wanted to meet my biological parents. I know I can't meet Sara now but I was hoping to meet Mike. That's all I wanted to do by coming here and was hoping to meet you Kyler. I don't want anything from Mike and I'm not looking for a father because I already have one. I have my adoption file that my mom gave me if y'all want to look at it. You will see I'm telling the truth. There's a lot of stuff in my file including a letter from Sara." Kyle says.

   "I think looking at the file will be a good idea, not that we don't believe you. I just think it will help put everything into perspective." Lauren says.

   Kyle stands up nodding his head in agreement. "I will go get it out of my car and be right back." Kyle says.

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