𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 ❦︎

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A person was sleeping peacefully on the bed untill the morning alarm ring up ..

When the alarm ring up the boy who was sleeping harshly slammed the alarm to the table and again goes to sleep like the previous position

That's when a middle aged women walk into the room and called the boy sweetly

Jeon wake up it's already time to go to your university...

But the boy who was sleeping didn't even give a mere stare to the women and continued to sleep ....

But that's when he remembered something and in a jerk he wake up and sit on the bed ,,

I am up eomma ,, - Jungkook

Saying this the boy goes towards the washroom to wash up and the middle aged women who seems like his mom went out from his room ....


*In university*

Everyone was chanting one name " jyyyykayyy, jyyykayyyy, jayyyykayyyy"

There the boy was playing basketball, today is a match between two university and in that jk is in the Verge to win and the opposite university is in the Verge to loos and in the end ' they loos '

Everyone was cheering for jk and jk's team was also cheering for him ...

Everyone was cheering for the win of there university but there was one person who was sitting quietly ...

*Her p.o.v*

Today is my first day in this university, I don't know anyone here...tbh I don't even want to know anyone cuz I am ,,,, I am afraid,,, what if they behave badly with me likey ' they ' did....

Rn I am watching everyone is cheering for a boy who won a basketball match maybe his name is jk because this is what everyone is saying ,, but I am just watching everyone from the corner ...

Now everyone is leaving for their class maybe I also should go to my class....

*End of p.o.v*


Rn Jungkook and his girlfriend is in the classroom and as it's lunch time everyone is in cafeteria including taehi ....

Jk and his gf was talking at that time and suddenly jk said that

He have some work to do so she should leave now

Yeri ( his gf ) didn't want to but when he Forced she went

after he finished this he was about to go

On the other side taehi was coming towards the class

Jk was about to open the door while looking at his phone and taehi was also about to open the door but b4 jk could open the door taehi opened the door but poor her didn't know that someone was also about to open the door and when taehi opened the door in a jerk the door knob directly hit someone's " main part " and


The poor girl wasn't even able to say anything tbh she didn't even know what to say ... Her mouth was hang open and her eyes was wide in sock

" You d** f*** s*** a**** f*** are you f***ing crazy don't you have any knowledge in your f***ing brain ... You stupid are you out of your mind" - Jungkook

The boy was yelling on the person uncontrollably without even looking at her while holding his main part

But the girl who was listening this had tears on her eyes cuz she didn't even know that ,, this much curse does exist in this world that he used for her ,, she admit that it's her fault but he also shouldn't scold and curse her like this .....

And finally the boy looked up and saw her teary eyes and he said

Why you have tears on your eyes when it should be in my eyes - Jungkook

You are so bad - taehi

Saying this she closed the door on his face in a thud

On the other hand the boy was confused the hell outta him ...

M/L :-

Name : jeon Jungkook

Age : 23

Nature : playboy , have short Temper , change girlfriends like clothes, west money like water , fully spoiled, doesn't care you are good or bad if you are good to him then he is good to you if you are bad to him then you will face the worst of him .....


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Name : Kim taehi

Age : 22

Nature : sweet , don't know much about the outside world , innocent, shy , nerd , always into book , always good to everyone no matter how bad you are to her , good girl .


*More character will come later*

Read next part for sure you will find it good 💜
Sorry for the mistakes English is not my first language...

Guys did you have fun reading this ? I tried my best and I hope you guys will like it and the other parts are gonna be awesome , funny and amazing,, stay turned and don't forget to vote and comment <3


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