Potions Class & Quidditch

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Year One-

Hally's first week had been interesting so far to say the least

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Hally's first week had been interesting so far to say the least. She had gotten lost with Ron a record amount of times. They both just couldn't seem to find their way around the castle and Hermione would never wait for her to get ready in the mornings. Much to Hally's irritation.

She supposed she could just get up earlier but then she would be missing her extra fifteen minutes of beauty sleep just to listen to Hermione lecture her on the importance of flossing and brushing her teeth before breakfast and not right after it.

However, getting up earlier might have to become a habit for her and Ron, she thought to herself after the third day they were late to class. Professor Mcgonagall was becoming quite cross with the two of them for all the tardies they were receiving. Hally was shocked that the two of them hadn't gotten a detention from their head of house yet.

Although, Hally could already tell that the transfiguration professor had a bit of a soft spot for her which she figured out, rather unfortunately, that she may need to take advantage of that at some point.

Best to keep that 'get out of jail free card' in her back pocket.

Besides getting lost and her tardies she had enjoyed most of her time at Hogwarts thus far. She didn't mind her classes too much either except for her History of Magic class which regrettably was just as boring as the muggle history classes she had taken previously at her old school.

Hally and her friends decided that the class probably wouldn't have been so terrible if they didn't have a literal ghost teaching it.

"Who would want to continue to teach such a boring subject in the afterlife ?" Hally asked the rhetorical question out loud after their first lesson in it.

"The most dull teacher on the planet of course ! They should just find a new professor or cut the bloody class out of the curriculum all together !" Ron spat out venomously as his annoyance levels were at an all time high from Neville snoring in his ear and drooling all over his notes for most of the period.

He was right though. Professor Binn's was somehow the most torturously tedious teacher she had ever come across in her life, even though his circumstances were something most would find interesting.

Luckily as the week went on she liked her other classes; at least to the point where she wasn't falling asleep in them. They kept her engaged but nothing really stood out to her as super interesting. She wondered if she would ever find a subject that would hold her attention enough to actually cause some sort of excitement in her and make her want to learn the material. Perhaps, she would even find something she would want a career in someday. She could only hope.

Today was Friday though and there was only one subject left that she hadn't had a class in this week yet.


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