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"Tell me" Joker smiles, eyes wide and red as he leans on the wall, "What made you two think you could steal from me?"

I chew my food slowly, no longer wanting to talk to the crazed man. Loki decided to speak, making me sigh in subtle relief

"We didn't come here to steal from you" He says truthfully, "Actually we admire your work and wished to work under you"

I cringed. Even though he was semi- telling the truth, it sounded too suspicious. I knew the Joker wasn't gonna believe that.

My suspicions proved to be correct when he let out a crazed laugh, hunching over in complete hysterics as Loki and I watched him silently.

You would think after hearing that sinister ass laughter so many times I'd be use to it, but I'm not. Every time a smile even creeps upon his face a feeling of dread starts to bloom within me.

I start to think about my life; something I found myself doing at least three times a day since we've been in Gotham.

I think about everything from my mother, and the childhood I've had, then to my criminal past, then being taken in by Stephen.

It's funny, I think, how I used to steal to survive- promising myself I'd never do it again once I saw how good I had it with Stephen. But here I am, thieving to survive once more, somehow landing myself in a situation that's either gonna kill me, or get me so close to death I'll be able to taste it.

I pride myself on being strong, not allowing whatever circumstances I'm in to break me down. I've been through enough that I should be able to look the Joker in the face and laugh right back at him, but I can't.

This is a new sort of danger. I'm so afraid.

But something in me is intrigued, an unwanted sense of curiosity. A big enough question that I'm willing to keep going with our plan, but not big enough that I'll think twice before running back to my home.

So I swallow my food as the Joker stops laughing, putting on a pained smile and saying;

"We thought we could get lucky"

The smile that was on his face falters only a little as he tilts his head to the side a bit.

"Oh?" He asks, prompting me to go on

Loki is staring daggers into the side of my head, wondering why I was suddenly going off script.

"We aren't from here, and we weren't really familiar with how....notorious you are. We were wildly successful with our petty thefts, started paying more attention to the news after a while, saw how much press you got, so we got cocky"

The Joker nods, oddly calm as I speak

"We thought we could steal from you. No matter how big and bad the press said you were, we were sure we could take from you just like we took from the other rich and powerful people around here."

Loki catches my drift after a while and agrees, setting his utensils down on the plate,

"Sorry for trying to deceive you" Loki speaks, "I figured if I lied you would spare us. Write us off as some fans who got too excited for their own good"

The Joker shakes his head and mumbles to himself, chuckling bitterly before sighing.

"You two are some of the stupidest motherfuckers I've ever come across. I should just kill you right now"

Loki and I tense up but try hard to keep straight faces.

"But" The clown shrugs, "There's something about you, pretty"

He points a finger at me, "You drunk that poison and somehow.... You're still alive"

He squints at me, studying my face for a second before nodding to himself

"Yeah I like you. You're gonna stay here for a while"

He looks at Loki, "Tell me why I shouldn't skin you alive right now"

I wince, resisting the urge to send a worried look his way.

Loki keeps his cool, "If you keep me alive, I swear to do your every bidding. I'll be your servant"

"I have a lot of servants" The Joker shrugs, "I need a little more than that"

Loki looks around the room before settling on his fork. He picks it up and quickly turns it into a flower.

"Forgive me" He says, setting the plant down after showing it to the Joker, "My powers are a bit weak right now, but as time goes on, I will regain my strength"

The clown looks utterly baffled but once again nods and mumbles to himself

"You stay" He concludes, "But if you two ever think of double crossing me, I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your skulls"

We both nod before he suddenly stomps out the room.

"Good job" Loki whispers to me


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Ugh I hate this chapter 😭

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