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"Awww, thank you Wanda" I gushed while viewing the new, gorgeous red dress. The rest of the avengers crowded around us, watching with little smiles on their faces as I opened gifts.

In between gifts, I would touch the necklace that laid on my neck, almost as if to make sure it's still there.

It was the necklace with my mother's name, I put on after Loki left the other day and I refuse to take it off. He was touching it, no one ever touched this necklace.

I wasn't overly upset or angry, just protective over the piece of jewelry. It's one of the last things I have that connects me to my mother.

When I have the necklace on, I feel her with me.

And he picked it up. Again, not mad...just protective.

After a few more gifts, Strange and the others began to talk about whatever the hell they talk about. I paid no attention, deciding to take my gifts to my room.

Peter decided to help me. We talked a little about some video game he was playing on the way there.

"That sounds really interesting, Spider bite" I smiled. He immediately rolled his eyes at the nickname I had given him when we first met.

"I can't wait until you stop calling me that"

"Ain't gon happen" I shrug

We chat a little more before deciding to rejoin the others. He walks out before me so I can take off the birthday outfit I was wearing and change into some more comfortable clothes.

Before I could take an article of clothing off-

"Wait wait wait" I heard a familiar voice say, "I'm in here! Don't get naked"

I groaned, watching as Loki appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"What the hell" I muttered, going over to my bedroom door and locking it. This made Loki smirk but I quickly gave him a look that made that smile drop.

"Didn't I tell you not to come here?"

"No" He says, "You told me to get out and then I asked if I could come to the party and then you said nothing. I told you I was taking that as a yes"

I crossed my arms and huffed. He was right, but fuck that.

"I don't care, Loki. You know you can't be here"

"Why? Because all those heroes are downstairs?"

"That's exactly why!" I confirm, "They'll lose their shit if they see you. Plus, it's not like I invited you in last time you were here"

"Actually, I don't think they'd care. I'm not as angry as I was, not causing anymore problems"

I gave him a look that screamed "I don't believe you"

"Fine, not causing as many problems as I used to" He clarified

He looked around my room before walking over to my closet and opening the door

"Loki. Get the fuck-"

"I'm looking for one of those sweatshirts you mortals wear"

"You can literally poof yourself up a damn sweatshirt" I complain, watching him pull out a burgundy sweatshirt.

"...don't describe my magic as 'proofing'"

I sighed, "Why do you even need it?"

"We're gonna go out, for your birthday. Consider it a birthday gift"

I raised an eyebrow, "Bold of you to assume I trust you enough to go anywhere with you"

"Oh darling, I'm not gonna kill you or anything" He laughed

See, and that's why I don't trust his ass in the first place. Why the fuck he laughing?

"No Loki."


Suddenly, the big dusty book that contains ALL the secrets of the multiverse appears in Loki's hands.

"Open this, let's see where we wanna go" He says, handing me the book.

"Bullshit. We're not going anywhere"

"Don't be a buzzkill, Farai" He groans loudly, making me shush him.

"No. I'm gonna put this back, and you're gonna leave"

"WHERE'S THE FUN IN THAT?" He practically yells, making me panic a little before shushing him again

"Loki, I swear to the Gods, if you don't shut the hell up and get the hell out I'm gonna pull out every hair follicle in your head-INDIVIDUALLY- then make you eat it" I threaten

"......I don't think you know how embarrassing that sounded coming from your mouth"

I rolled my eyes and stared down at the book. I was definitely planning on going somewhere- but alone. I had been waiting to try out a spell.

"How about this, you open the book and open a portal to.....a forest or somewhere. We hang out for little then we come back and I leave"

"No. How about this, I open a portal to hell and shove you in there"

"That's mean"

"Fuck you"

I continue to stare down at the book before whispering the spell to open it. I'm way too curious to allow Loki to ruin this for me.

"All I'm gonna do is open a portal to another dimension to see if I can do it. You can watch me. That's all" I say, to which he agrees.

I try for nearly 40 minutes, having to tell Strange I wasn't feeling well so they wouldn't expect me back down at the party.

I was feeling more and more defeated as the seconds went back, but then-

"Oh shit" Loki and I whisper at the same time.

I did it.

I opened a portal to some dingy ass looking city in another reality.

.....Okay it wasn't THAT dingy but whatever

"Where do you think this is?" I asked Loki

"Looks like New York? Maybe New Jersey? Could be Chicago" He says, still in awe, "We should go in"

"No" I say, "Too dangerous"

"Dangerous? We're just gonna take a little look"

"No Loki"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, bringing me into the portal. I panic initially but calm down after a little while.

Loki and I walk a little ways away from the portal, just enough to see some helicopters flying around the city- looks like they were looking for someone

"There's a sign" Loki says, pointing

I follow the direction of his finger and see a sign that reads; Gotham City

"So this is Gotham...cool" I say

"Alright, that's enough. Let's go back" Loki suggests. I agree and we make our way back to the portal

Only....there was no portal anymore

Sorry for mistakes 💚

When Worlds Collide *Loki & Joker BWWM* Where stories live. Discover now