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I was looking through some jewelry boxes when the bedroom door opened then quietly shut.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The mysterious girl asked. I shrugged and picked up a beautiful necklace with a pendant that read "Mina"

"Mina...I assumed your name was Farai? Isn't that what that person screamed out?" I asked. She snatched the necklace out my hand and carefully set it back in the jewelry box.

"It's rude to go through peoples things"

"My apologies. I tend get curious when left alone" I smile and walk over to her bed, taking a seat.

"Are we going to stay in your room all day or are you going to show me around your house?"

"What?" She asked, "You're about to leave this damn house. I just need to open a portal"

"Was that your husband that was screaming your name?" I questioned

"No" She sighed

"Your father? You still live with your parents?"

She look visibly offended and flipped me off. I smirked and shrugged.

"How old do you think I am?" She asked

"....30 maybe?" I say.

I was joking, of course. I found her I.D. and seen she was 20. I just wanted to make her upset, she was quite beautiful when all riled up.

Farai crossed her arms, "First of all, I'm only turning 21. Your ass is over a thousands years old"

"I'm 22 in Earth years." I say, kicking my shoes off. I laid back on her bed and got comfortable.

I don't think she liked that because I felt her grab a handful of my hair and yank me up.

"First you sneak in my house, add 10 damn years to my age, then lay in my fucking bed?"

"In my defense" I wince, "30's not old. Pretty young honestly"

She rolls her eyes and slings me to the ground

"Describe your house to me, show me a picture, or give me the address so I can send you home. I'm tired of you"

I get up off the floor with pain stemming from my head and the side I landed on.

"I'm tired of you" I repeat, "I've only heard that a couple thousands times"

Her once angry facial expression softens a little before going to a state of neutrality.

"I know your brother" She says

I roll my eyes at the mention of the big blonde oaf, "Are you an avenger or something?"

"No. But I live with one. The voice you heard was Dr. Strange."

My eyes widened. I knew that voice sounded familiar.

When Worlds Collide *Loki & Joker BWWM* Where stories live. Discover now