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I expected to be killed, maybe even tortured, not put into a rather empty bedroom that had dried blood on the floor.

I quickly got up after being literally tossed onto the floor, my right side aching terribly.

"That looked like it hurt" I heard a small voice say.  I took the time to actually look around the room, and I seen her.

She looked a little spooked, and maybe even a tiny bit roughed up, but thankfully she was alive and well.

"Thank goodness you're alive, I thought they might hav killed you" I say while walking over to sit at the edge of the bed

"They tried to" She sighs, "I thought they killed you too."

"I assumed they were going to, but they brought me here?" I had no idea why I was being spared. Why did they bring me in here with Farai?

Were they going to interrogate us together? Did they want to torture us together? Kill us together?

I hated not being able to know what the next move was. Usually I had an idea of what a person was going to do. I could outsmart them if only I had an inkling of what they were planning.

"Did he say anything to you?" I ask Farai, who was rubbing at her face, "Did he even come in here?"

"He came in here" She confirms, "He tried to poison me but I guess my powers kinda made me immune? Then he shot his henchman and said I work for him"

I nod, trying to contain the smile on my face. Our plan was working.

I look around the room once more and notice a small camera in the corner. I discreetly point it out to Farai, who picks up on it right away.

"Well, do you know what type of work you'll be doing?"

"Maybe just a henchman" She shrugs, "I doubt I'll be doing anything important"

I nod again, deciding to stop talking just in case we're being listened to.

We sit in silence, Farai staring off into nothingness while I replay our plan in my head.

We- or at least she- works for him. The next step is to gain his trust. We can't make ourselves that standout-ish yet. The best thing to do is to do what's told, work hard at the tasks he gives, then hopefully climb the ranks so that we can work right under him.

From there, we need to show an immense amount of respect and obedience towards him. He needs to never question our loyalty.

And one day, when his guard is down, we betray him. We steal anything we can get, and we get the reward money.

From there, we'll live comfortably while trying to find out way back to our world.

I know this plan could take several months, maybe even a year or more, Farai knows too.

But I know she's itching to leave this world, and that makes her even more determined to set this plan into motion.

About an hour of complete silence passes before the door is opened. Two large men with trays of food walk in, and the Joker is right behind them.

I'm instructed to sit next to Farai, so I scramble to do so as a tray of food is put on her lap. A tray is put onto mine as well.

We both look down at the food; I have well-done steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a small slice of red velvet cake.

Farai has a large plate of pasta, a Caesar salad, garlic bread, and a small brownie.

"Dig in" Joker says, watching us with a crazed smile.

I take my fork and begin to eat the potatoes.

They were delicious.

I immediately began to get more eager and pick up my butter knife, going to try the steak.

Farai, however, hasn't touched her food. I notice the joker's smile falters a bit at her disobedience but it returns hurriedly.

"Don't worry" He says, softly, "No tricks, no pranks. The food is safe to eat."

She still hesitates, looking up at him with fear in her eyes. He gets a little irritated and decided to grab her fork and point it at her

"Eat your food" He says, "Or I'll make sure you starve to death."

Though her hesitancy was still evident, she takes the fork out of his hand and begins to eat.

He seems satisfied with this and shoos his henchmen out the room.

"So!" He says, leaning against the wall, "Let's have a chat!"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

When Worlds Collide *Loki & Joker BWWM* Where stories live. Discover now