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**Eight months later**

"Multiple realities" I said, reading the book Strange gave me, "There are other dimensions? Other....worlds?"

Stephen and I sat in the library, the soothing smell of vanilla coming from my candle occupied the room.

"Of course. You can't possibly believe it's just us here and no one else. There's an infinite amount of universes out there. There's even one so similar to ours that you could end up there and never know the difference"

"Wow" I muttered, "That's so interesting. Kinda scary"

"Nothing to be afraid of" He sighed, "I want you to open a portal to another world. Another reality. You've mastered telekinesis,
illusions, and slight mind manipulation.. Time to move on to the multiverse"

He grabbed the book out my hand and set it down. Strange and I had gotten closer, he was becoming a father figure to me.

I had been in the sanctum for a little over a year. I enjoyed it, truly. I appreciated Strange. He cared for me.

"You're about to be 21, so you're officially gonna be an adult. I think you should learn adult magic"

(Quick author's note: To anyone who may be confused, Rai met Strange the year she was turning 19, went to the sanctum late that same year, and she's been there for a little over a year. So, she's about to turn 21)

"I agree. We should invite hella wizards and shit here and have a party for my birthday"

"Absolutely not. But we can hire a magician if you want"

"Hell no"

He chuckled and stood up. He stretched and walked over to a small table that had a large, dusty book on it. I never touched that book, never even gave it any thought. It was just a large, tan colored book with no title.

"Wong wants me to lock this book up, but I think it would be an amazing birthday gift for you"

He picked up the book and walked over to me,
"This thing contains spells...spells that have the ability to be used for good. But also evil. It contains simple spells, tedious ones, but most importantly- all the secrets to the multiverse."

He gave me the book. Shit was heavy as fuck.

"This book holds all the secrets to the multiverse?"

He nods

"And you kept it all out in the open like this?"

"You sound like Wong" He takes the book back and tries to open it, but it wouldn't.

"I put a spell on it. Wont open until I say the spell to open it."

"You're the only one that knows the spell?"

"Wong knows. And you'll know as soon as you turn 21"

I pouted once he gave me the book back. My birthday wasn't for another week and I'm impatient as fuck.

"Can't you just give me the spell now? I won't try anything until my birthday. I promise"

"You can wait Rai" He said

"I can't" I dramatically sigh which makes the sorcerer roll his eyes. He always rolling his damn eyes.

"Why do you need the spell now?"

"Because now I'm curious. And I'm impatient."

"Well this can help you learn patience"

"But Strange-"

"No buts Farai. As soon as it hits midnight on your birthday, I'll give you the spell. Until then, you'll just have to wallow in the anticipation"

He gave me a teasing smile and walked out the library.

I sat with the heavy ass book on my lap, mad as fuck cuz why would he give me the fucking book, talk about all the cool shit in the book, then refuse to give me the spell to open the damn book.

Ghetto as hell.

"Whatever" I say, trying not to be upset, "I can wait. Ain't nothing but a week.

I used my powers to set the book back down on the table it originally sat on and went back to the book I was originally reading.

This one talked of multiple realities so you'd think I'd be satisfied....I wasn't.

I needed that spell. I just wanted to read it for the time being, I promised Strange I wouldn't do anything until my birthday- and I was gonna keep that promise.

I just want to read it.

"Fuck it, I'll ask Wong"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

I promise the story is gonna start picking up soon 💚

Question: Do y'all believe in the multiverse/multiple realities?

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