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Throughout all of his years in the Jedi order, Obi-Wan Kenobi had never heard of such a thing

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Throughout all of his years in the Jedi order, Obi-Wan Kenobi had never heard of such a thing. He had promised Anakin he would do research on his dilemma— not only for the sake of figuring out what was wrong with his former padawan, but also because he was very interested in what they decided to call 'lucid visions.' Obi-Wan was determined to get to the bottom of it.

After reporting to the council about Chrysós, he made his way straight to the archives. That was the best place to start.

It was getting dark out, by now most jedi and padawans were either sleeping, meditating, or getting something to eat. There were no more than a handful of people in the archives— which made it easier for him to find who he was looking for.

Li'Kiallian Ilumia. A Jedi knight from the planet Neró. She had been a padawan during the years Anakin was and the two had even been knighted around the same time. They were good friends at one point but once the war kicked off, that all went alway. Anakin went to fight on the field while Li'Kiallian took on a temple role. Anakin and Obi-Wan hadn't seen her since the battle of Geonosis— where her master, as well had many other Jedi sacrificed their lives to save them.

It was about time he had paid her a visit, although he wished it was under better circumstances.

Tracking her down wasn't so easy. She wasn't at the front desk nor was she at the holo-computers. So Obi-Wan went on to search down all of the aisles.

And just as he suspected, she was at the end of one, face buried in a book. He caught a glimpse of her webbed ears poking out from her dark hair, confirming her identity. He simply cleared his throat, tucked his hands inside the sleeves of his robe, and waited for her to direct her attention at him.

It didn't take long. She likely finished whatever sentence she was on before looking over at this new presence. "Ah, Master Kenobi!" She shut and shelved the book before hurrying over to give him a hug. "Gods, how long has it been?"

Obi-Wan returned the hug, patting her gently on the back. "Too long, I'm afraid. How have you been? How's it going here?"

"Great!" She grabbed a nearby chair and sat by his side. "Though, I'm not getting enough sunlight— I barley leave the archives— so much to learn about and all."

"You should give field duty a try then." He chuckled. "It's quite the opposite really. Too much sun, but you're always learning."

Lillian shook her head, forcing a laugh. "No thanks. I'd much rather be in here."

Obi-Wan silently cursed himself. The girl had been through so much since the war started— the loss of her master during that first battle of the clone wars had done something to her— made her afraid.

It was an unsettling loss but Obi-Wan had moved on. Unfortunately for Lillian, she hadn't been the same since then. The trauma practically forced her to stay cooped up inside the Jedi temple.

"So what brings you here?" She focused on the task at hand.

"Right." He cleared is throat and guided her from the aisle. "I was hoping that you could help me research something." He spoke im a hushed tone. "Now I'm not sure if there is an official name for such a thing, but Anakin and I have been calling them 'lucid visions.'"

"Lucid visions?" She repeated, staying close to his side. "I've never heard of something like that— they're like lucid dreams? Maybe if you could describe the sensation to me..."

"Of course," he nodded in agreement. "Let's say that hypothetically— someone were to meditate, and in the mediation session they encountered another person. They could hear the person as if they were standing right there and he himself could speak to them but not touch them— that's what I would call a lucid vision."

Lillian had crossed her arms somewhere in the explanation, a smug smirk on her face. "Huh." She hummed. "That sounds a lot like a dyad in the force— hypothetically speaking of course."

Obi-Wan had never heard of such a thing. He was glad to know that there was a name for this occurrence though. "A dyad in the force, you say? And what causes such a phenomenon?"

Instead of giving him a straight answer, she led him to one of the holo-computers and typed something in, revealing the singular file on the topic. "I haven't read up on this in a while. There's not much information available either."

"That, I can see." He sat down and opened up the file, scanning over the words.

Two force sensitive beings— connection through space and time— two that are one— unbreakable force.

Obi-Wan did not like where this was going. "I'm afraid that this isn't much to work with."

"Sorry about that." Lillian put a hand on her hip. "Was there anything else?"

"No," he backed out of the file and stood up as well. "You've been much help already, Lila. Thank you."

"Anytime." She couldn't help but smile at the use of her nickname. That's what most people had called her since she was a youngling. "Don't be a stranger, Master Kenobi. It was good to see you again."

A soft chuckle left his lips. "Oh you know, council duties have me all over the place these days."

"I believe you." Lillian laughed along with him before pinching her index and thumb together and making a zipping motion across her lips. "Now, good luck with your hypothetical situation."

Obi-Wan already knew he could trust her to keep quiet about his inquiry— that's why he'd asked for her help in the first place, there was no need to worry with Lillian.

But knowing the information that he'd just uncovered is what made him nervous. If Anakin and Princess Venus were truly a dyad in the force, then how was the bond created?

Was it part of Anakin's prophecy— and if so, why did it occur just now?

Was it part of Anakin's prophecy— and if so, why did it occur just now?

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