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[TW: mention of blood]

[TW: mention of blood]

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Failure. That's what she was. A failure. Venus let everyone down. Her mother, Aurelia, Olek, her people. They were all to become prisoners to the Confederacy of Independent Systems because she was too selfish to leave Chrysós when she had the chance.

She'd been separated from both the jedi and Zae, and taken to the palace prison. She was shoved down the cold, dark, musty hallways until she reached the end, where her family was already housed. As soon as the cell door came opened, it was immediately shut behind her. The guard that had brought her left without a word, leaving the three in an awkward silence.

Venus still stood in the center of her cell, staring at the ground beneath her. She couldn't bring herself to look in their direction— because she knew that as soon as she did, they would flood her with questions.

Aelia and Aurelia exchanged looks of concern.  The queen knew that her youngest was ready to start spitting out questions, but telling by the look on her face, she knew better. Aelia walked up to the bars that separated her cell from Venus' taking a calm and even breath before trying to comfort her eldest. "Venus, my star..." she gently spoke. "Come to me."

Her feet shuffled over to the sound of her mother's comforting voice, eyes remaining on the ground.

Aelia examined her state. It was obvious that Venus had been through quite a lot. She still wore the nightgown she'd been in when she drugged Aerol. The blood still stained the bottom, accompanied by dirt from roaming the forests. The most notable out of everything was the bruise on her neck, courtesy of that abuseful bastard. It'd lightened up in the last few days. Venus hadn't laid eyes on it, yet she knew it was there. She hadn't seen her own reflection in days because she was too scared to look at herself. If she had, she would've broke down crying.

Aelia slid her left hand through the bars, cupping her daughter's cheek. She guided her head upward, eyeing the cut on her lip that her father had given her. "It is okay to cry Venus." she whispered. "You can cry in here, where nobody can see you. Let it out, my star."

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