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It was time to face the wrath of Admiral Yularen

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It was time to face the wrath of Admiral Yularen. Anakin was going to have to do it sooner or later.

He slipped out of his room, praying to the force that Ahsoka wouldn't sense him walk by— that is if she were in her room. His padawan was still so young and full of questions. Questions that he didn't feel like answering— and if he did, he couldn't be truthful with her. Ahsoka hadn't popped out of he room so she mustn't have been in there. Successfully, he had avoided her for now, but they were bound to cross paths. They had to eventually. He just needed to come up with some boring excuse that would make her apologize for even asking.

Anakin was starting to feel tired again, yet he would rather do anything but sleep. Mediating was out of the question for now too as it failed to charge up his energy a few hours prior. The need for sleep on his face must have been apparent because as he walked down the hall, his men looked at him with concern, some even asking if he were alright.

"General," one saluted him. "You don't look to well. Everything okay?"

The general bowed his head to the clone, an appreciative smile on his face. "I'm fine, Scar. Just tired is all."

He continued on until he stood outside of the entrance to the bridge. Tucking his arms behind his back, he sighed to himself. "Let's get this over with."

The doors slid open and he entered, grabbing the attention of the higher ranks and a few plain soldiers who surrounded the holo-table.  

"General Skywalker," The admiral acknowledged him first. "It is nice of you to finally join us. Commander Tano tells me that you were not feeling well?"

So much for facing his wrath. At least Anakin could count on Ahsoka to cover for him, whether or not it was intentional. "Ah, yes." He nodded. "I'm feeling much better now, Admiral. Sorry I was late. It won't happen again."

"I do wish there were some truth to those words." Yularen turned his attention back to the table. "Now, where were we?"

Ahsoka furrowed her brows at her master before following suit. "You were saying that we'll be assisting General Kenobi?"

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