Chapter Twelve - Finally Free

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I ran freely in my wolf form feeling very excited. I wonder how Austin would feel now I can shift. will he accept me... Forget it. It's no use now.

Running freely in the woods has always been my dream, never would I have believed it will happen.

"I need you to listen to me, Celeste. Find your way to the pack with this logo. There is a way there" Mother reappeared but this time she was slowly fading away.

" Do you really have to go, why not stay with me" as much as I hate to be a cry baby. I need her at least to comfort me.

"Am always here Celeste. Always, watching you from above with your father and other pack members." She said with something like white diamond dropping from her eyes.

It's was tears.

"What about my Dad, won't he see me?"

She laughed, "Celeste, your father as always been with you. Alright, here is a hint. Always by your side. Never doubted a word you say. Your most trusted companion. One who knows you best. One who will do the unthinkable for your sake and when the time is right Celeste, the only one who will match your strength. When you understand this things. You will know your father"

"Always in your heart, Celeste. Always" she said her final words before vanishing and I felt this would be the last time I will see her. I felt alone again

"Bye mother"

I ran to the direction that perhaps might lead me to the Northern Region. The logo I was shown had a full moon with swords crossing it, from school I learnt it was a pack in the northern region but I forgot the name, well.....even before the lecture ended. Who am I kidding, that's the only thing I heard in two whole hours of history class.

I have no idea where am going.

"Queen, do you have any idea the direction to the Northern region" I asked

"Xena or Celeste, which will I address you as?" Queen asked.

"Xena, it was the name my parents gave, they were always with me and they never left me even at the point of death. So Queen, it will still be Xena"

"Okay, Xena first off  I have no idea the way to the Northern region from here and secondly, I feel pain. I can't explain it but it's here, you know the kind of pain we felt when Ivory died. Yeah that kind of pain"

"Really, can you sense where it's coming from? "I asked

" Yes, it's  ahead." She said as we kick off in the direction she felt the pain was coming from.

Upon getting there I was shocked by the gruesome picture laid out. A boy laid on the ground like a lamb ready to be slaughtered with vines slowly entangling him and all he does was, staring at the Moon with emotionless eyes.

I felt the urge to help him as though I know him or because he looks helpless in my pack land and I feel responsible.

"No Xena you don't rush into things like this. It doesn't seem like they want to kill him but rather to punish and torture him" she advised, analysing the situation.

I waited patiently for the right time to attack the vines. As I had no knowledge what so ever on how to fight with my wolf so I let her do the killing.

He suddenly stood up like he was revived back to life. Fighting the vines along with me but he didn't shift but rather his claws and fangs showed.

After the battle, I took a good look at the boy or will I say man, he looked like he was around the age of twenty to twenty five years of age.

With purple eyes, long unkept maroon brown hair with a tan skin. He look like he as been here for long and sorry to say, he stinks. He smells like smokes and crushed cockroach.

" Long live My Queen" he said while bowing to me.

How did he know that,is he also one of my people. I thought.

"Yes, my queen, I am one of yours" he replied, startling me.

Did he hear my thought. Can you hear me?

"Yes, your highness. I can communicate with you. My name is Damien Reid"

Damien Reid.....How did you get here?

"Your highness, it is a long story" he replied.

Do you know a pack with this logo. I drew the logo my mother showed me on the ground.

"Am not sure, but if am not wrong, it should be in the northern region. I think it's the Luna's Fury pack. Your highness." He answered.

Okay and stop addressing me as ‘Your highness’. My name is Xena. When I saw he was hesitant.

"I insist" I quickly added.

"Okay, your hig.....I mean ma'am Xena" he said unsure on how to address me.

"It's Xena. Damien. Xena"

I couldn't shift back to my human form because if I did I would be naked.

Damien, do you in any way know the route to the Luna's Fury pack?

"Am sorry, Xena but I do not know" he replied.

I decided to call it a night here as it was already dark. I was glad I could communicate with him without having to change into my human form.

Am curious to find out more about the male in front of me, how did he know am a queen? I mean I found out not quite long. And what did he mean by saying he was one of my people.

How did you get here? I asked

"I was banished from my pack" he answered. Not giving too much information. that I can understand.

Would you like to come with me to the Northern region or do you have a place to stay?

"If it pleases the queen that I come with her, So be it. And I have no other place to stay" he replied.

Alright we move at dawn,okay.

"Yes, Your Highness."

I can't explain where the authority came from but I feel powerful, remembering my mother words.

You are the Queen of the White Wolves. Begin to act like it.

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