chapter seven - why me

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"How dare he do this to her" the banging of the door was accompanied by my father's booming voice.

I felt someone's presence and I knew it was Roman's.

How could my life be like this, as  children Austin,Roman and I were like triplet. We fought ,quarrelled and settled, until that very day......

"I know you are not sleeping X"Roman's worry was evident in voice.

"Why Roman,why? Am I not good enough, is it my fault am this way. I was created like this by the moon. Why did Austin have to embarrass me that way"my voice broke down with tears streaming down my eyes.

My friend consoled me, telling me it was Austin's loss.

I continued to cry as I drifted away in thought.

Eleven years Ago.

A Seven year old Xena was with a girl who seemed not to be older than ten. The girl's name was Ivory, Austin's favorite cousin

"Xena, let's go pick the flowers that's by the lake,Luna said we should hurry up" the Ten year old Ivory said impatiently.

Seven year old Xena refused to leave her alpha to be, pleading with her eyes that she stays with him.

"Go on Xena, I will be waiting here for you" Austin urged Xena to get going, while the seven year old Roman laughed as her repugnance. Xena glared at the nine year old Naomi not liking her closure to Austin. The young Xena felt her position was threatened.

The girl's headed to the lake as they  sang cheerfully

"Xena if you want Austin to like you, you don't have to be clingy. Women needs to show their worth and be expensive"Ivory advised the younger girl

"But what if my expensive attitude makes him stop talking to me"

"It won't, males love to chase, don't you notice that during the run,males go for the difficult prey, so be expensive" Ivory lectured Xena, just like her mother would lecture her.

As the girls picked the flowers, Xena felt uncomfortable. A feeling, her seven year old brain couldn't comprehend. But ended up believing that is was because she left her Austin with Naomi.

"Help..."the voice of Ivory startled Xena,as she turned to ask what was wrong, only to see what scared the living life out of her.

Vines of black smoke sprouted out of nowhere. Holding the children captive. As some of the vines attacked Ivory , coiling around her body, rendering the ability of the girl to scream useless, it drew her body towards the lake and coiled up to her neck squeezing the breath out of the lungs of the young child

The seven year old Xena stood there with the vine surrounding her but also avoiding physical contact.

The vines squeezed the life out of Ivory, dumping her dead body in the lake,as the vine metamorphosed into the appearance of a woman but still surrounded with smokes.

The vine like woman approached the frightened Xena,who just stood there not knowing how to react as she was beyond shocked. She had entered the state of  temporal paralytic

"I expected more from the Chosen One"

The vines disappeared as member of the pack appeared,all shocked to say the least as they stared at Xena.

The seven year old Xena, didn't react, but just staring at the dead body of her elder sister figure.

With accusing eyes and fingers pointing at her,Xena could only continuously say"I didn't kill her".

Even her Austin didn't believe her and that hurts the most.

" Don't cry Xena, Don't cry"my best friend hugged me as I found solace in his embrace, only Roman chose to fully believe me and he never doubted a word I said.

My wolf was back to the state we where eleven years ago. With her staring into space and not communicating.

I cried myself back to sleep in Roman arms as I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.

It's has been two days since I was hospitalized, some pack members. mostly elders who has lost their mates sympathised with me, while some came to mock me. Even the nurses attending to me now address me as the "wolfless and mateless creature".

I don't blame them, I just wish he would come and see me. Just once.

I looked up to the sky, finding some sort of strength from the evening sky, feeling enthralled by the combination of orange, white and blue colours in the sky. With the moon hanging,but not illuminating it light.

I felt like that moon at this point,I am  supposed to shine but am limited by conditions.

The laughter from below brought me out of my thought. My mate was being affectionate with another as I drown in self-pity. I don't know how he managed to ignore the pull but I can't.

The jealousy, pain, anger, and frustration, all add to push me to that state. It should have been me.

I rushed downstairs wanting to be in the arms of my mate as he tells me he is sorry and am the only one for him.

"Austin"I screamed at the top of my voice causing everyone to stop what there were doing to look at me.

I don't care, all I want is my mate and so does Queen.

"Austin please"I stared at my mate with hope, his intoxicating scent drifting into my nose.

"Stop causing a scene" he said as though speaking to me was forbidden.

"Austin,we can talk this out, you want me. please let's talk." I pleaded

"Want you Xena, seriously"Austin gazed at me with hatred as if I was a joke.

"Why are you doing this, am your mate"I cried out desperately.

"Cus you are useless to me,a picked up trash by the way" Austin said with disgust.

"Why don't you ask your parents where they picked you up from, the fact you are still in my pack means am lenient" what does he mean by that.

How am I a picked up trash and why did that have to hurt so bad.

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