Chapter 10 - Moon 7

Start from the beginning

"She left." Winterpaw said through mouthfuls of rabbit, stating the obvious.

"Birchpaw, I'm serous, were okay! She did try to save my life after all." Ivypaw meowed, turning back to the Medicine Cat apprentice.

Birchpaw sighed, "Okay, if you insist, I'll go along with it." He hesitated, looking down at her, "I'm just worried, you know?"

Ivypaw's heart began to do jumping jacks in her chest. She really had to figure this whole Birchpaw thing out.


Over the next week, Ivypaw quickly grew closer to Snowpaw. It was a nice change to be around a she-cat, considering the only cats she really talked to were Winterpaw, Birchpaw, Blackstripe and Windfur.

"So, which tom do you have your eye on?" Snowpaw asked Ivypaw one afternoon. They were both tired from dawn patrol and lay soaking up the sun in the camp.

"W-what? There's no... what makes you think..." Ivypaw sputtered.

Snowpaw rolled her eyes. "Your response proves that their IS a tom," she leaned forward, "who is it?"

Ivypaw's mind immediately ran to Birchpaw. His green eyes, his- but could she trust Snowpaw that easily? She wanted to tell someone. She wanted someone to tell her what to do next, but... could she trust Snowpaw? And if not Snowpaw, who? "Nobody." She finished lamely.

Snowpaw sighed, "Fine. But aren't you curious who I like?"

Now it was Ivypaw's turn to roll her eyes. "Fine, tell me." she meowed, taking a bite of her vole.

Snowpaw leaned closer, grinning, "Reedstar."

Ivypaw choked on her vole. "Reedstar? Like Reedstar of the Clan Of Swaying Grass?"

Snowpaw sat up smugly, "He's handsome."

"Doesn't he have kits??" Ivypaw asked through bits of vole and laughter.

Snowpaw frowned, "That might hinder our relationship," her eyes danced with laughter, "but I'm sure it's an obstacle we can get past!"

"You two ready for some battle training?" Pebbleclaw materialized behind them.

"Y-yes!" Snowpaw leapt to her feet, sending a look at Ivypaw that clearly said "omgomg what if he HEARD?"

Ivypaw giggled, getting to her own paws. "Yeah, I'm ready!"

They followed Pebbleshine over to where Larktail and Winterpaw stood. Larktail looked up, looking a little queasy, "You apprentices r-ready?" she frowned, "Why am I sick all of a sudden?"

Pebbleclaw cleared his throat, "Blackstripe is hunting with Sunshine, so I thought you could come with us, Ivy-"

"No, it couldn't be." Larktail's voice sounded shocked. Ivypaw looked over at her. The she-cat did look a little sick.

"What is it?" Pebbleclaw asked, sounding mildly annoyed.

"I am WAY TOO old for this," Larktail huffed, "Is it already showing?"

"Is... what showing?" Pebbleclaw asked.

"I'm pregnant for Rising Star's sake!" Larktail looked a mixture of annoyance and shock.

"Pregnant? Are you sure?" Pebbleclaw tried not to look shocked.

Ivypaw didn't even try. Larktail was OLD. like ANCIENT. How was she expecting kits at her age?

"I've had kits more times than you can count, I think I would know," Larktail turned back to the camp in annoyance, "BRANCHFALL! You did it AGAIN!"

Pebbleclaw winced, then turned back to the three shell-shocked apprentices. "Um, how about we go practice?"

This is Snowpaw, Ivypaw's adopted sister. She is the daughter to Oakwhisker and Riverflower.

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