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If something's wrong, you can count on me
You know I'll take my heart clean apart
If it helps yours beat
(Sleeping At Last-Two)

"Carina, are you okay?" Maya asked her wife.

"Huh?" the Italian turned to her wife, coming back from her thoughts. It had been a week since she had met K and she couldn't stop thinking and worrying about her. Was she fine? Was she safe? Was she alone? Did she have anyone able to protect her?

"You've been strange the whole week. Are you sure you're fine?". Carina bit her lip, staring at the cup of milk in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. You know, between my job and the two clinics I'm exhausted.". Maya didn't seem to totally buy it, but didn't insist further. She reached out and caressed her wife's hand with hers.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you too." Carina replied.

"Are you sure you want to stay here at the station today? The clinic isn't even open and you have a day off, you should rest." Maya suggested. The doctor shook her head.

"I have to sort some meds and supplies. It won't take too much time though, don't worry.". Maya nodded. She kissed her wife, sweetly, then stood up and started clearing the table and washing the dishes.

"I'll do it, don't worry. I don't want you to fight with Beckett.". Maya nodded and sighed. Beckett, she hated that man. When Chief Ross had chosen Andy to be captain the doctor had breathed in relief, but everything had changed in the blink of an eye. Beckett had decided to ask for his job back and the Union had imposed Ross to demote Herrera as soon as possible and bring the man back. Andy had been furious for days, but in the end she could have done nothing but accept her fate. Because of the scandal her relationship with Sullivan had caused, Ross hadn't been able to help her and that made her raging even more, but in that moment she was aware of the fact she had no choice but follow the Union's will. She would have fought though, of course, but carefully. She needed to be patient and, sooner or later, she would have had a chance, she knew it.

"Carina, are you really sure you are okay?" Maya asked again.

" Sì, sto benissimo. I'm more than fine." the Italian lied. The firefighter was about to say something, when the alarm started ringing.

"Oh, are you kidding me?" Vic, who had just entered the beanery, complained, rolling her eyes.

"I have to go." Maya told her wife, who could do nothing but nod.

"Please, be careful."

"Bishop, this is a station! Say goodbye to your girl and move your ass!" they heard Beckett yelling. Maya had to bit her tongue not to retort in a bad way.

"Go, don't worry." Carina whispered at her, softly. She watched her wife leave, a lump in her throat. She knew Maya was an excellent firefighter, but she couldn't help but worry every time.

"So, we're here.". Carina turned around and frowned.

"Jack! Why aren't you with the others?"

"They haven't allowed me to go back in action yet." he explained. "So I stay here, behind the desk.". Carina slightly smiled, her mind going back to the night of the firefighters' party, when the floor of the hotel had caved in. Jack had collapsed after helping everyone there and for a moment she had thought she would have never seen him alive anymore.

"What about you? Today the clinic isn't even open."

"I know, but I have to sort some new supplies and medicines. Hopefully it won't take too long.". Carina explained. "Do you want to help me?"

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