
Night had come and gone as Little John and I continued our way to our unknown destination. As we rode forward I remembered Little John still had not answered my question from a few nights ago.

"You never answered my question," I said vaguely.

"What question?" Little John asked.

"Where's my father?" I asked again.

Little John hesitated.

"What happened to him?" I asked agitated.

"Let's just say you will be seeing him soon," Little John replied.

Robin did or said something to chase father away that's why we have to travel so far. Wanting the answer I turned to Little John.

"What did Robin do?" I asked.

"It wasn't technically his fault," Little John answered.


"Did Robin and my father have some kind of fight? Is he hurt? Did Robin abandon him too?" I questioned.

Little John remained quiet thinking before he answered, "all you need to know is I'm taking you to see your father."

"We are really going to see my father?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"Yes, why is something wrong?" Little John inquired.

"No of course not," I lied.

A few months after Master Zhan's death I found myself all alone with nothing, I was poor, dirty, and hungry. I barely had enough to buy me one last piece of bread. Coming to a small village market I found a piece of bread to buy, the last of my money now gone.

Holding the warm bread in my dirty hands I went to take a bite when some idiot bumped into me. Fumbling with my piece of bread I caught it. Sighing with relief that was to close.

Then the same guy backed into me sending me into the dirt and my piece of bread flying. Everything inside me ached as I got up onto my feet. My piece of bread had disappeared into the crowd. Whipping around frustrated I found the man who had knocked me off my feet. Pulling two knives out of my left boot I held it against his throat.

"That was my supper you idiot," I growled.

The guy started sweating, "My apologies."

"That is all you have to say?" I yelled.

"Oh Rosa Hood give the poor man a break," An all too familiar voice spoke.

Slowly turning my head my eyes landed on my father.

"Let him go Rosa," Pa ordered.

Pulling back my knives the man went running off quickly. I grumbled. What was father doing here? And how did he find me?

"We need to talk," Pa said.

"No need to," I said.

"Come on Rosa, at least let me buy you dinner," Pa offered.

"I am not hungry," I lied as my stomach growled betraying me.

Pa gave me a look.

"Fine," I mumbled.

Walking inside the closest inn Pa followed me. Sitting down at a table my Pa gave a lady some money to bring me a tray of food. The food soon came and as soon as I saw it I dug in; my stomach delighted.

"Whoa slow down little Red," Pa paused, "You are living in the dirt aren't you?"

"Well it's not like you were taking care of me," I lashed out between bites.

The Pentacle Chronicles: Little Red Riding HoodWhere stories live. Discover now