"Mhmm" I murmur. 

He walks me up to his room and sits me on his bed. The very same bed that I fell asleep in after the Christmas party. 

His song book is on his bedside table, open to a blank page. 

"You writing a new song?" I ask.

"Tryin' to but I just can't think of anything."

"Can I help? I mean I know that I know fuck all about songwriting but please let me try"

"Be my guest love" He chuckles and hands me his electric guitar. "You really do confuse me sometimes Julietta."

"What do you mean?" I look confused.

"Well, you just told me that your family found your self harm and now your helping me to write songs."

"You were the one who said that I could come round to get away from it all and that's what I came here to do."

"Alright alright." He raises his hands in a fake surrender.

I gently strum the strings, trying my level best to make a riff. I see Alex writing in his notebook. 

"Carry on love" he smiles. 

From Jamie babbling about guitars over the years, I know a surprisingly good amount about chords, strumming patterns and all the other stuff. 

I play an e chord, then c#m chord, then f#m, then b.

"That sounds alright actually." 

"See? I do know a bit about guitars." I laugh "Can you teach me one of your songs?"

"Yeah alright. what one do you wanna learn love?"

"Despair in the departure lounge"

"Alright love." He shows me the chords and the strumming pattern, but I mess up a little. "Not quite darling, good try though. Let me the help" He sits close behind me and reaches around me, his chin resting on my shoulder. He takes my hand in his, holding my fingers on the pick, and helps me with the strumming pattern whilst I change chords when I need to.

"You want to try it on your own now?" 

I'm about to say yes when I see my phone has a new notification. Its a text from Jamie. 

Jules where are you?
We're worried

I ignore it. I don't want to go home right now.

"Darling, you should reply"

"I don't want to" I say like a little child.

"Fine. I can't force you." He sighs. I lay down on his bed and hug one of his pillows. 

I lay here for several minutes until I accidentally fall asleep.

Alex's POV

I grab my phone from out of my pocket and text Jamie

She's alright, Jules is with me.
She's fallen asleep
I'll bring her home in a bit mate.

Alright mate, my parents are
getting worried thats all

I turn off my phone and look at Julietta's sleeping body. Gosh she's so beautiful. Why would she ever want to cut herself?

I look at her left arm. Its plastered with cuts up and down it.

I move closer to her and gently rub her left shoulder in an attempt to wake her.
"Hey darling? Wakey wakey sleepyhead"

"Mmm" she replies, half asleep.

"Come on love, you need to go home."

"I don't want to"

"Do I have to carry you? Because I will."

"Fine"she says, getting out of my bed and gathering the very few things she bought here.

I can see that she's shaking, she really doesn't want to go home. I wrap my arm around her shoulder.
"Come on darling, lets get you home"


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