Lost and found again

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You sat at the table, your eyes focused on the cup of tea in front of you. Nikolai was beside you was stuffing food into his mouth while Fyodor, sitting across from you, ate in a much more mannered way. Your mind was still filled with the memories of the previous day. Especially your talk with Sasha.

She could restore Fyodor's arm. That was great, you should tell him. And at first you wanted to do just that. Tell him about Sasha's ability and ask the girl if she would restore his arm. But there was a catch.

Sasha could only restore organisms that were still exsisting for the most part. And Fyodor's arm was seperated. So Sasha could not restore Fyodor's arm like that. That's why you didn't mention it. But it still bothered your mind even though you didn't know why.

Yes, you always gave your best to treat your patients, but at the end of the day, it wasn't exactly your problem. Then you didn't know why you felt so... disappointed?

Lost in your thoughts you didn't notice Fyodor looking at you. So you got slightly startled as he adressed you.

"You seem like something is bothering you. Would you mind sharing?"

You flinch together at his words, earning a light chuckle from Nikolai, and looked up at the black haired russian.

"Oh no, it's nothing don't worry", you say quickly.

"It doesn't seem like nothing though", Fyodor stated before taking a sip from his tea.

Then Nikolai joined the conversation, nudging you in the side with his elbow.

"Come on, birdie. You can tell us~", he chirped.

You sighed, knowing that there was no use in concealing it any longer. Nikolai would bother and annoy you until you'll eventually tell him anyway.

"Fine, yesterday, at the orphanage, I talked with the two new orphans."

Fyodor nodded, his face seemed indiffrent. "Go on."

"And one of the siblings, the girl Sasha, has an ability."

Both Fyodor and Nikolai's eyes glimmed with a spark of interest.

"Ou, what ability? What can she do?", Nikolai demanded to know with a grin.

"Her ability allows her to restore organisms."

Fyodor's eyes widened slightly. "She can restore my arm?"

Before you could even open your mouth to answer, you got interrupted by Nikolai's rejoice.

"Fedya can get his arm back!"

He jumped up off the chair, throwing his hands in the air. You could even see a small smile on Fyodor's face although you could've sworn there was something off about it. As much as you didn't want to say it, you couldn't just let them hope for something that couldn't be fulfilled. You shook your head, with, to your surprise, a rather sad expression.

"No, unfortunatly it's not that simple. She can only restore organisms which are still exsisting for the main part. But Fyodor doesn't have his arm anymore, therefor Sasha can not restore it."

Fyodor's face drops visibly even though his feelings weren't that expressful to begin with. Although Nikolai's grin didn't leave his face.

"Say no more!", he exclaimed, leaving the kitchen with a couple of elegant, swift steps. You looked after him before turning your head to Fyodor with a confused expression on your face. He just shrugged, his expression was back to indiffrent.

Not long after he left, Nikolai came back again, holding his coat in one hand. It was thrown over his shoulder, flowing behind him as he walked.

He stopped in front of you two, bowing slightly while taking something outside the inner pocket of his coat with a smooth motion. As you saw what he took out, you felt something coming up your throat.

In front of you was Nikolai, holding an already rottening, seperated arm. There was still the sleeve of a white clothing on it as well as bandages around the palm. The visible part of the palm seemed like it was injured before it got seperated. It really was a disgusting sight even for an underground doctor like you who had already seen the most morbid things exsisting on earth. But this even brought you to want to throw up.

"Ta da!~", Nikolai shouted, holding the limb up in the air. The smell of rotten flesh filled your nostrils as you had trouble keeping down what wanted to come up so badly.

Fyodor on the other hand seemed amused by Nikolai's behaviour, smirking at the scene in front of him.

"Kolya, did you really keep my arm after that helicopter crash?"

"Yup!", Nikolai exclaimed proudly. "I felt like I could use it for something later. Turns out, I was right!"

Both Fyodor and you shook your head. You in annoyance and repulse, Fyodor in disbelief and amusement. You couldn't believe it. Nikolai kept the seperated limb of his friend, carried it in his pocket the whole time and now stood there proudly, holding the rotten arm up in the air.

You didn't know why, but this brought back a memory from your youth.

You had been in your room, laying in bed. It had been already very late and you were actually supposed to be sleeping. But instead you had been reading a novel since you weren't tired enough to sleep yet. Suddenly you had heard a knock at you window, almost giving you a heart attack. As you had looked at the window you say a grinning face with a blue and a green eye, messy white hair falling over his forehead.

You quickly had opened the window, letting your lover come in. He quietly climbed over your window sill into your room and stood in front of you.

"Good evening, little songbird. I hope you didn't miss me too much the two whole hours we were seperated", he had greeted you with a charming grin. You had looked at him in shock and disbelief.

"Nikolai, what are you doing here at night? You're supposed to be at the orphanage, sleeping."

Your lover had just sat down beside you on your bed, chuckling while shaking his head.

"You should be sleeping as well, my little songbird. Yet hear you are, wide awake. And besides, you can't blame yüme for missing you when you're the most precious person in the world to me. And so beautiful at that."

Then he had gently placed his lips upon your, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer. You had sighed into the kiss, closing your eyes as you slung your arms around his neck. As you had parted again, you looked into the heterochromic eyes of your lover and smiled.

"You're crazy, Niko."

He tilted his head sideways, grinning at you in an adorable way.

"What do you mean? I am perfectly sane."


Bruh, I have the feeling, keeping Fedya's arm is something he would do 💀

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He is my liberty. Only him?    (Fyodor x reader x Nikolai)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon