Like we did back then

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After you and Nikolai finished eating breakfast and you made your daily check up on Fyodor, you both were in the living room. You had put on some music and made yourself a cup of ginger tea. Nikolai sat beside you on the couch, his arms laying over the backrest and his head facing the ceiling.

It was obvious that he was bored. He would let out a dramatic sigh from time to time. Sometimes even a groan. Soon you got fed up with his noises and turned your head in his direction, trying to hide your annoyance.

"What is it, Nikolai?", you asked as calm and collected as possible.

"I'm boreeed...", he groaned.

You internally rolled your eyes. Of course he was bored. Even when he was younger, he needed some kind of action all of the time. But you quickly shoved that thought away. You didn't want to think of your past now. Instead you concentrated on how to get rid of Nikolai's boredom.

"Do you want to go on a walk maybe?", you ask, tilting your head sideways.

He stayed quiet for a moment before he answered.

"Fine. Better than just sitting around."

He still didn't seem that excited but at least he agreed. You stood up with him, placing your cup of tea on the parlor table. You both made your way to the front door. You grabbed your coat and keys and walked out behind Nikolai.

You two walked for a while, the cold breeze brushing over your skin. The sky was grey like usual around this time of the year. The asphalt was still wet from the rain in the night before. The two of you were quiet.

Even though he wasn't that excited at first, he seemed more interested as closer we got to the village. He looked at the houses curiously.

"Whoa, these are so much diffrent than from the ones at home", he said in a flabbergasted way.

You couldn't help but chuckle at his stunned expression.

"Well, what did you expect? Ukraine and germany are two whole diffrent countries with diffrent cultures."

"I know, but when you told me about your life here in your letters, I never imagened it would be that diffrent."

After a while of walking, you got to the supermarket. You remembered that you needed new carrots for Cerberus.

"Hey Nikolai. I need to go buy something real quick. Do you want to come with me or do you want to wait outside?"

"Of course I want to go with you! Can't leave my little birdie alone, now can I?"

You pursed your lips. If you were honest, you didn't like the new petname, because even though you wanted to move on from your former lover, you liked the old petname he had for you. The memories of him and you may be painful for, but they still were a main part of your life.

The two of you entered the supermarket. You started to stroll around the shelfs, searching for the carrots. You were so focused on getting memories out of your head, memories who just kept coming back, that you didn't realise, that Nikolai wasn't behind you anymore.

You only noticed his disappearence when you were on your way to the checkout. You sighed, slightly annoyed and turned around to search for your companion.

Since the supermarket wasn't all that big, you soon found him in front of the shelf with all kinds of beers. You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Nikolai we're not gonna buy alcohol."

He turned around, realising that you were standing behind him.

"Why not?", he asked in a whiney tone with a reasing smirk on his face. "I never tried german beer and I heard it would be extremly good."

He is my liberty. Only him?    (Fyodor x reader x Nikolai)Where stories live. Discover now