Walking in the breeze

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You wrap your coat tighter around you and pull your hat deeper in your face as another cold gust hits your face. The weather was rather uncomfortable today, the sky was even darker than the days before. You'd rather had chose another day to take Fyodor on a walk outside your house, but since it was almost december you hadn't really much of a choice.

Even though the wind was painfully cold, Fyodor didn't seem to be even cold in the slightest. And Nikolai. He seemed to enjoy the way his braid flow in the strong wind. He giggled everytime it did. He needed to hold on his top hat though so it didn't fly away.

You three walked through the fields, the gravel crunching under our boots. The grass right and left of us gracefully flows in the wind, making the picture, despite the stormy weather, somewhat beautiful.

Soon you reached the first houses of the village. You knew who lived in these houses. In the first one lived an old lady. You didn't knew her name but you often greeted each other when you met each other. She seemed to grow her own vegetables. She had a small garden she took good care of.

In the second one lived a middle aged man. A painter with a specialisation on portraits. Painting really was his passion. He had so m.any paintings on his walls, all of them he self made. There was one motive he painted the most. It was a portrait of his deceased wife holding a little white kitten. When you asked him about it, he answered with a smile, that he painted it so much because it was the happiest time he and his wife spend together. This really warmed your heart and still does today.

The third one wasn't a house. It was a whole farm. And not just any farm. It was the orphanage. You smiled at the thought of the children playing on the farm, helping with the work, taking care of the farm animals they all loved so much.

As Nikolai, Fyodor and you passed by the orphanage, you noticed three of the orphans, sitting on a bale of hay together with a black and white dog, probably a border collie. Just as you saw them, the dog's ears perked up and it ran over to the three of you. The children shouted after the dog, calling it back. But the dog didn't listen.

It rushed over to us, stopped in front of Nikolai and sniffed at him, wagging his tail. Nikolai and you chuckled at the dog's behaviour while Fyodor had a neutral expression on his face. One of the children came over to you, scratching the back of her head embarassed.

"I'm sorry for her behaviour, she just likes people", she nervously chuckled in an apologetic tone.

"Nah", Nikolai shrugged it off. "It's fine, don't worry. If I'm honest no one ever greeted me that cheerfully. And she's just such a pretty girl."

Then Nikolai bend down, petting the dog's head as he cooed at her. The child seemed to relax slightly and you could swear you even saw a slight smile on Fyodor's lips. As you looked at girl again, you recognised her. Her name was Christa. She was about 12 years old and was always caring towards the other children in the orphanage.

Christa seemed to recognise you as well since she smiled at you and waved at you slightly.

"Oh, hallo (Y/N). Wir haben uns lange nicht mehr gesehen. Wie geht es dir?" ("Oh, hello (Y/N). We haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you?")

Now she spoke german. Beside being kind, she also was very clever. She knew when someone wasn't from here, especially when they weren't from the village since she knew everyone here at least a bit. So you assumed she just saw at their behaviour and looks that they weren't from germany.

You smiled at her.

"Mir geht es gut. Was ist mit dir und den anderen?" ("I'm fine. What about you and the others?")

He is my liberty. Only him?    (Fyodor x reader x Nikolai)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن