"I'm about as good as one. Give me a hit," Delilah ordered as she plopped onto Ian's bed beside him. Lip eyed her for a moment, holding the joint in his hand.

"Get your own pot," Lip replied grudgingly. Delilah furrowed her eyebrows, confused. Was he still mad about yesterday?

Ian snatched the joint out of his hand and handed it to Delilah. She took a long puff and blew it toward Lip, who seemed a little humored.

"Some force you two are. Maybe you can be a duo act for the circus," Lip quipped, snatching the joint back.

"Karen Jackson, huh? Not just a hump and dump this time?" Delilah asked making Lip cringe.

"Hump and dump? Are you forty?" Lip asked.

"Ugh, shut up. Is she any good, or is it all just rumors?" Delilah quizzed, enthralled.

Annoyed, Lip stood up, but before he left, he handed the joint to Ian. His glare unintentionally landed on Delilah, her eyes innocently prying at him as he walked away.

COUPONS FILLED DELILAH'S hands as she strolled into the Gallagher household. Liberty had her own fair share in her arms too. Debbie would cut them for her family in exchange for dairy products.

It was their own little deal. Debbie wasn't very close to Delilah, but Liberty adored Debs. They were as close as they could get in two years despite their age gap. Carl was closer in age, but Liberty had been reluctant to completely befriend the boy.

"Just in time," Ian chirped as Delilah walked in as he was seemingly walking out. "Butter on the table, Debs'll take the coupons. I'll be back."

"Hurry up, Ian!" Liberty shouted as she stamped up the stairs hurriedly. She always loved her little talks with Ian.

The two girls waltzed in to find Fiona coming in the kitchen at the same time with Liam in her arms.

"Hey, Fi," Delilah greeted as she handed Debbie coupons, grabbing a tub of butter, a half gallon of milk, and making her way over to the coffee pot.

"Hey, Lil, easy on the coffee. I don't need another shortage, I just bought that," Fiona warned while Debbie thumbed through the newspaper clippings.

"Buy one, get one Folgers, Fi," said Delilah. Sure enough, Debbie held up the sale, proving Delilah correct.

"Okay, asshole," Fiona played along. "It's like having a less genius Lip around."

"Fuck you," Delilah chuckled at Fiona's joke, looking at Lip for a second. Blood rushed to her cheeks as his eyes scanned the buy one, get one sale. It was the small things that made her heart slip a beat.

"Any leftover pizza from last night?" asked Ian making his presence known.

"No pizza. Fruit or juice. And we've got eggs," Fiona told him while flipping through mail. "OJ's in the top, grapes in the bottom drawer."

"Poptarts, Frosted Flakes, Bisquick, Heinz ketchup," Debbie began to list as she flicked through coupons. "Ooh-ooh! Even a couple two for ones for Tide!"

"Any coupons for meat?" Ian quizzed while Liberty got out the grapes, grabbing a handful to scarf down.

"Yeah. They got a special on ground chuck at Costco, and Hot Pockets," Debbie responded before snatching a grape from Liberty.

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